For the moment you can deal with "memory could not be read" error in this way:
Download HC Encoder error killer.
Batch file, Kill-Error.bat has this code:
@echo off
rem I like this color
color 17
Title HC Encoder error killer by Prodater64
timeout 10>nul
for /f "tokens=8*" %%I in ('cmdow') do (
if "%%J" equ "HCbatch 0.15 beta - by hank315: HCbatch_015.exe - Application Error" (
cmdow "HCbatch 0.15 beta - by hank315: HCbatch_015.exe - Application Error"* /cls & goto :cmdow
goto :cmdow
Note that quoted parameter following "cmdow" and "equ" is the error window message caption when HC Encoder want to close.
This batch file is an infinite loop, it is for you to deal with your problem by the moment, so to work with it, just run the bat file.
Once finished your work with HC Encoder, just close cmd window.
You can adapt this to any program that gives you a similar error, or another one, ever that that error dont be a critical one, it is to say, your app should keep running after and despite the error.