Hi Michael,
I haven't even looked closely at bach's matrix, so I can't tell.
However, at the time when the notch matrix was designed, actually the original KVCD matrix without the notch pattern, there was no bach matrix, no B matrix, no Q matrix, etc.
It just so happens that when the KVCD notch matrix was released, a lot of people went crazy trying to do matrixes.
I do recall the "bach" character at doom9, who was very knowledgeable, but one day he went bananas and deleted all of his posts, and was never seen again. There were a lot of good theoretical posts from him at doom9, and all were lost.
But coming back to the point, I still prefer the notch matrix, because *none* of the other matrixes has the notch pattern which is what kills most of DCT blocks on low lit scenes. And I'm sure bach's matrix doesn't have the notch. If it has it, then IT IS the KVCD notch matrix