Originally Posted by The Untouchable
modified KDVD template to 704x480 mpeg1 ... Gotcha ! thanks
"a DC component precision of 8 bits is recommended"
thats what it say on the kvcd specs page
Yes, you're right, I forgot that. But as said, it's a recommandation, you can change it to 10 with no problem.
so can dc presition 10 & gop 18 be used on a kvcd or does it have to be DC 8 & gop 24??
You quoted some lines of the spec, so I thing you just read them. Look a little above :
For optimal encoding on natural material ( movies, new computer generated films ), we recommend to match the KVCD "Notch" Quantization Matrix with a maximum GOP size of 24 pictures.
For animation, old cartoons, etc., we recommend a maximum GOP size of 12 pictures for NTSCFilm (23.973fps), 15 pictures for PAL (25fps) and 18 pictures for NTSC (29.97fps).
So YES, 18 can be used on KVCD. For a movie the result is just a little bit worse than with 24.
I'm asking because I need files that are both DVD & kvcd compliant
(not Ksvcd)
There is no "KVCD" compliancy as KVCD breaks all the standards !
If your standalone support standard VCD and also KVCD then it will read whatever is "beetween" the two.