Report bugs in the Bug-Reporting-Thread.
Also conversions and PAR 1:1 (mpeg4) targets are supported
In case of mpeg4 target, do choose the wanted profile (max allowed size)
Individual Capture Cards/Drivers are supported at Avi-Capture inputs
Add common used commands to the resulting script
Do enter/edit and preview the resulted Avisynth script
You dont have to put the dgdecode.dll or MPEG2Dec3.dll in the Apps folder, it will be recognised (if correctly installed) in the Avisynth/plugins folder (via API).
Although this Appl. supports the string architecture of DVD2AVI generetaed d2v files
you should upgrade to the Latest DGMPEGDec stable release from here:
(Nice stuff inside! QuantMatrix Logging, mpeg1 support etc.)
Always remember: If downloading a new release of DgIndex, you also have to update the dgdecode.dll!!
Sources will be released when main bugs are fixed, main ideas are implementated and code is cleaned up - and that takes time.
Get it here ...
- Now more inputs are supported like mp4, wmv, mkv
- More information about the source (FourCC & colorspace)
- New script-preview engine
- Now Resize- and Crop-Mods are available from 2-16
- Conversion from nonanamorph to anamorph added
- Input-FourCC is shown in the SourceInfo
- Option for Avisource() using Pixel_Type="YUY2" in case of mjpeg input (mjpeg-fix)
- Window enlarged for supporting 768 width inputs
- Regular PAR1:1 Avi and Capture-AVI support
- Taking into account the individual Capture Carc/driver active window.
- Doing panscanning/increasingHeight is now possible via the height up'n'down gadget.
- Settings will be written into an ini file on exit und loaded when starting again.
- Mpeg4 Resoltion Profiles added in "Settings".
- Appl. got an icon
- Fixed:A hughe bug was encountered as NTSC final target sizes didnt match when borders needed to be added.
- Fixed: If the avisynthscript window is open then the main appl.window is deaktivated.
- Full mpeg4 target resizing support up to big widescreen targets like 1040x576 which is non anamorph out of a 720x576 1.778:1 anamorph source
- Resizing core obtained some "check" modes for more userfriendly results
- Generic Par Mode can now be choosen above under "Settings" (more settings will be added and able to be safed as ini soon).
- Resizing core rewritten - more accurate.
- Now even more ITU compilancy
- The ITU option button now is functional
- A bug in receiving the correct path to the user specific location of the avisynth plugins dir via reading the registry seems to be solved now.
- AR Parsing of the d2v source has been fixed, so 4:3 d2vs will now be recognised as 4:3 d2vs and not 16:9.
- Reading the Systems Registry key of avisnth where the plugins path of avisynth is stored. Therefore if the dgdecode.dll or mpeg2dec3.dll wont be found via avisynth's plugins folder, the appl. folder will be used.
- A bug was in the resizing core when manually changed the act.px area from 720 to 704 for instance, the result was simply wrong --- fixed
To Do (beside fixing bugs):
- Option for integrating readymade avs fuction templates into resulting scripts
- Histogram preview for checking the correct Luma of the source.