The problem came from the "lavc" audio codec !
I was encoding my video with the lavc codec for the video and the audio streams...
So, I've tried with: lavc for the video stream and twolame for the audio one: It worked !
I have no more synchronisation problem !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS: the "twolame" codec is present in the Linux/Unix version of mplayer but (by default) is not present in the windows one.
So Linux Users: Let's go enccoding !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, I'll try to encode Audio and Video separately...
for transcode, here's the url:
it is another unix "swiss knife" video tool, and it's often used for converting videos... like in the "tovid" scripts.
PS: for the framerate issue, I don't think: my video source is 25fps (I think because it is PAL) and my target video is 25fps PAL