Hi kpmedia.
Thanks a lot for your reply.
Yea, yesterday I googled it a bit more and I eventually found FLV Splitter.
It's a .Net application but it runs on Linux with Mono installed. Yep, I forgot to mention that I'm on Linux.
Do you know a native Linux app that does the same? Avidemux doesn't open the file
I did split the FLV in two files with FLV Splitter. Got one audio AAC file and one h264 video file.
But now I have another problem: It seems that the Portuguese clips don't have the same length as the English/French ones.
So I end up with an audio sync problem.
Is there a tool that I can load the AAC and the h264 file and see a the video frames and a wave?
That way, looking at the frames I would know when a speech was about to start and looking at the wave I would see when there is silence and when there is "noise". That would help me sync'ing the video and the audio.
All help will be greatly appreciated