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11-14-2002, 09:59 AM
kwag kwag is offline
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The KVCD Encoder Project:

I am pleased to announce that today we have started "The KVCD Encoder Project" at http://sourceforge.net/projects/kvcd
The first goal will be to create a functional, non optimized MPEG-1 encoder, directly creating mpeg-1 files with KVCD parameters.
We will emphasize on motion estimation optimization and artifact removal.
The encoder will be a "Video Stream" encoder, as there are so many audio processing tools already available, we do not have to work on that (there is no need to re-invent the wheel).
The program will be Open Source. That is, everyone owns it, with individual copyrights acknowledged and retained by each author.
The project will be written in C language, using the bloodshed Dev-C++ development IDE, which uses the Mingw C compiler: http://www.bloodshed.net/dev/devcpp.html
Eventually, a port to Linux, *BSD, U*IX, MacOSX, etc, should be possible, as the code will be written as much platform independent as we can.
The first release will be a functional command line version, and when we reach a point where the encoder is well debugged and optimized, it will be wrapped in a graphical user interface, and targeted at multiple platforms.

I would like to welcome Christopher David Alm as the first developer of the project. He already has brought up many ideas, and will be one of the head developers of the project.
If you have programming skills in C, or would like to help with the project in some other areas ( documentation, testing, etc, ) please don't hesitate to E-Mail or PM us.
Right now we will be in the phase of discussions (brainstorming) on the initial structure of the project, shuffling ideas and building blocks, to have a solid foundation to start with. This will go on, probably for some days, until we actually start coding and merging some already excelent Open Source and GNU sources that are available.

So here we are. To all the people in the world who have been supporting KVCD.net. YOU've made this possible. THANKS!.

So let's get the ball rolling and make the world's best mpeg encoder

C you,
Someday, 12:01 PM
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