I made a test.
I encoded 40 sec of PLanet of Apes with tmpgenc and made 2 files the m1v and mp2.
The I made the mpg whit TMPGENC ( MPEG1 VCD non standard ) and
with BBMPEG ( VCD, VBR,WRITE program end code)
Then I made 2 cd, one for each mpeg file. with VCDEASY, with the option perform mpeg compliant unchecked.
The image made with the file done with bbmpeg was a little bit more than the one made with tmpgenc.
And vcdeasy when I add the bbmpeg mpeg files, made a on the fly padding.
What I did wrong?
I usually use the tmpgenc to multiplex, but if I have to cut also I would like to use bbmpeg. But the final image is a little bit bigger.
Any suggestion?
Resistence is futile.