I tried both the 90min ver KVCD-plus and the 120min KVCD for Snow White, which is a 82 min movie. The both filesizes result to about 840MB, which surprised me. Is there something i need to know about padding?
So I demuxed the audio and video streams and together they are only about 730MB. Audio is 80MB at 128KB and Video is about 640MB. If i multiplex the two streams together in TPMge as an MPEG1 stream, the resulting filesize is well less than 800MB, but VCD says the file needs autopadding. On the other hand, if I encode the thing within TPMge as a non-standard VCD, somehow it pads it anyway, resulting back in an 840MB file.
I've also experimented with lowering the audio bitrate to save file space, but it seems the program somehow pads the file back to 840MB. What am I doing wrong?