The following changes were applied:
GOP 1-36-3-1-36 This applies to both NTSC and PAL.
Internal template cleanups. Setting values to 0 on unused parameters, etc.
This includes all the PLUS, LBR, and SKVCD.
This doesn't apply to the KDVD templates, PocketPC templates, or the old original CQ based KVCD templates.
Note: The file names for the LBR templates was left unchanged.
KVCD-LBR-11-12-2002-352x240-(NTSCFilm)-PLUS.mcf and
KVCD-LBR-11-12-2002-352x288-(PAL)-PLUS.mcf. Just check the modified date of the templates. It should read 12/15/2002 on all templates and you'll know that you have the latest.
They are all available on the download page here: