..just my 2 cents worth.. ..
And remember, everything we're learning and doing here will apply in many ways to DVDs. So all the comments on other sites about "Ah well, when DVDs are cheap, nobody will be doing VCDs" are right to a point, because we all will be applying all of this to DVD(+-)R technology and "they" will be putting 2 hours while "we" will be putting 10+ hours on a single DVD(+-)R
I couldn't agree more! I remembered an argument on vcdhlp and I think i went on to try to express the same on this issue.. that you can TAKE
all the advantages of all the tingering/maximizing techniques over to the
DVDr side and have MORE video per DVDr vs. the standard 2 hours that
most are using today, but I don't think that they TRUELY understood
what was being said there.
I'm not there yet, w/ DVDr, but sooner or later, I will. And, I will take
whatever knowledge I have learned here and there, in the video enocding/size/space/quantity etc. ratio and use that knowledge to my (our)
advantange with DVDrs authoring.
I will always agree that we must maintain "standards", but we CAN push
them to the extreams, especially if they will work in most DVD players
$$ ka-ching $$ ..4 movies vs. 1 movie.. you do the math.. and STILL, in
good quality. Example, why spend $ 4 ea, on DVDr disks to put 3 movies
Austin Powers triligy, (that's 3 DVDr disks) and use tipicle
DVD standards on each disk, and burn 1 movie per disk, when you could
use say, one of the KVCD templates for example, and have ALL 3 on ONE
disk!! Well, you could work on it
I haven't tired it, but I'll just bet
that it COULD work ( all three movies on one DVDr disk ?? )
Well, that was my opinion, and so on..
Have a good evening all.