Hmm already have 2 question
First one:
-Kwag why is the motion search precision set on High Quality(slow) and not on Highest Quality(very slow)
I thought a kvcd wanted to give the best quality
And my second question:
I've now done this part: Go to FILE>Preview and play a few minutes of the movie. Check for aspect ratio,
screen size, etc. If all looks good, close preview.
it all looks file :P
But now should I do this part:
Fast way to finish-up:
At this point you could input the audio.wav file created to Tmpgenc and encode
The movie with audio and video. Use Tmpgenc tools to cut the final movie into
2 or more files and be happily on your way. For those who want to bale out
here, I’ll understand. Later, after a few encodes you might want to try the
rest of this guide to get the most from this process
or this part:
Step 3 (Ready to encode video):
You’ve finished file tests and have the CQ to meet your CDs.
The next step is to comment (#Sampler(length=24) again to
deactivate it. Go to Tmpgenc>File>Save Project (save the settings file with .tpr
extension) this is a project file. Next go to File>batch encode>add>(select the
project you just created)>run. When the screen returns, notice a check box in
the upper right for "Shutdown after finish encoding". Check this box and your PC will shut
down when Tmpgenc is finished. Now go to sleep or out for the evening and don't worry
about you PC being on all day.
Well I have my audio separate made with HeadAC3he so I suppose I should do the second part... or?