MrCoopz wrote:
I have just made a VCD and the sound is out of sync.
I still have the .m1v and .mp2 so how do i get it back in sync??
and another audio question if my divx has ac3 sound do i still get it the way Black prince describes in his guide (vdub full process,HeadAC3he mp2)??
Sync problem:
1) Determine which happens first by playing frames where there is
speaking and determine which comes first. The voice is before or
after movement of the mouth.
2) Use bbMPEG and multiplex again, but this time when you get to
tab "Program Stream settings" put in the settings from the Guide and
at the bottom of this tab "Startup Delays" you can set a delay for
audio or video. 1000ms ~ 1 sec. So, if the voice comes 2 seconds
before the mouth movement set audio to 2433 and multiplex. Play
back the .mpg and your sync should be closer to correct.
Audio: Even thought your audio is .ac3, use the same process as
described in the Guide. This should work
The only time this might
not work is if the format is .ogg
-black prince