Originally Posted by kwag
Hi dreamhost,
You're going to have to re-encode. SVCD is 480x480 which is an invalid resolution for DVD. Your best bet is to copy the .MPG files from your SVCDs to your hard disk, and open them up with DVD2AVI. Then you can create a .d2v file from all your .MPG files. You can then process this with a KDVD Full D-1 template. You'll have to de-mux the audio and re-encode that too at 48Khz, because 44.1Khz in SVCDs is also invalid for DVD.
thanks for the reply
ok i did the first step dvd2avi and got a 1k d2v file
what I haven't been able to figure out is (is KDVD D-1 template a program that I use? or something that I run from the command promt, or....? and should I de-mux the audio before this step? and with what program?
I'm sorry to be asking so many questions
I have just tried sooooo hard to do this for so long that my brain needs b33r
and I've stopped taking anything I think I know for granted