It’s maybe too boring for some of you but… I would like to post that and
I’m sure they are people like me in that forum. Maybe my suggestion was
addressed before here, maybe many times… I’m not sure and that’s the
reason I’m posting now.
I’m a newbie in kvcd and vcd area. I found about all of that 3 months
ago. I’m using all those filters for resizing, cropping, compressing, blah,
blah… but I really don’t know how all of them are working. I was able to
find many explanations of some and nothing for other filters. That’s still
mystery to me. I’m looking for something like
“Newbie filters guide (explanation) in MovieStacker
LegalClip() – is a filter that’s doing compression. It will slow down your
encoding with about X%. It’s recommended (or not) to use it at any time.
TemporalCleaner() – is a filter for….
BlockbusterNoise – blah blah”
I mean basic knowledge to let all newbies like me to know what to do in
the begging. Do I need this or not and recommendations.
I cannot find any information about some filters and I’m crossing the net
from site to site to find info in many different places and as a final result
I’m damn confused.
Basically I’m using filters but I’m not really sure what are they for (maybe
some of them).
Will anyone of the advanced members of the forum work with me to
create guide like that? I’ll do the job of writing it but I need basic
explanation, order and speed of the filters to be able to write the guide.
I’ll do that first for me and all the other confused people like me and after
that for all new members that are coming across the net. I know it takes
time and no one wants really to explain basic knowledge but… I hope so
my offer is not that bad.