Hey all.
I recently got a dvd from the u.k and need to tranfer it to ntsc on a dvd-r 5 and would like to keep the extras and deleted scenes.
I had my dvd drive patched a while ago, but have since reformated and changed motherboards and cases on one of my spare pc's. Now with the same dvd-rom patched for regionless and macro etc.
powerdvd asked to confirm regions. changed it to region 2 (four changes left, no big deal here), but the dvd on powerdvd plays as black n white. It doesn't shift into colour and back again, but stays in black n white.
I have kvcding right now into kvcd2 or skvcd but i used the pal template, since my apex will handle pal no probs.
Anywyay, my question is, does anyone know if IFOEdit or a similar app
(i.e. dvddecrypter) will input pal dvd and spew out a nice converted
ntsc dvd-r 5 /