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04-17-2003, 03:45 AM
Reno Reno is offline
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Hey guys,

Can I use the 'frame scan' tool to check for and mask bad frames prior to dubbing? Is it as simple as performing the scan, waiting for the results, and running the dub with the frames masked off (reference at the bottom status bar)?? I have a source with two bad frames and 218(!) good, but undecodable frames. Will doing this mangle my .avi too much?

Also, I have a utility called Divx antifreeze in my codec pack. Will turning this on for Divx and Xvid sources resolve the problem on it's own??
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04-18-2003, 09:42 AM
PyRoMaNiA PyRoMaNiA is offline
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Will doing this mangle my .avi too much?
Depends on how long your AVI is...and how spaced out the frames are. Generally a few bad frames aren't going to make any noticeable difference to your AVI, but if you have around 50 bad frames in a single section, your avi will skip a few seconds. 218 shouldn't make too much difference, its about 9 seconds, so assuming it's all together, you'll get a 9-second skip. If its split up a bit, you'll just get a few skips now and then...

I have a utility called Divx antifreeze in my codec pack. Will turning this on for Divx and Xvid sources resolve the problem on it's own??
DivX AnitFreeze just stops DivXs from freezing on bad frames when playing, so it won't help in VirtualDub.
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