Originally Posted by TKS
Is it possible to use your old templates with the kvcdx2 GOP structure?
Or can i just take the new template and change the resolution to 352x240? Im having a nightmare trying to get the new template to work with dvd rips. Its great for captures, but really difficult to get working properly on my apex 1500 with dvd rips.
I was more interested in the last line of the GOP structure :
Max number of frames in a GOP..
ON the old one it was 0 on the new one its 48... could i just change that one on the old template?
sorry to be a pest
Not a pest at all!. You called at the right time, as I'm just playing with a new 352x240 template! Don't change that last parameter from 48 to 0. If you do, you'll notice a flashing effect on long scenes, because the GOP is too long. 48 guarantees that at least one I frame will be inserted no less than every 2 seconds ( at least in the NTSCFilm templates). Here it is, before I finally post it.
I am doing an encode right now to see the file size of "The Matrix" ( again

) with these parameters.
I'm updating all of them with the same GOP ( 1-18-3-1-48 ) and the new Q.Matrix, except the KDVD templates which are 1-18-3-1-18. These values have given the optimal results.
I'll start updating the template names like this probably late tonight or tomorrow:
-- KVCD Standard VCD Size --
-- KVCD Half D1 Size --
-- KVCD XVCD Size --
-- KDVD Full D-1 DVD compliant --
-- KDVD Half D-1 DVD compliant --
This way it will be able to easily identify them, and avoid confusion!
This is the test template for the KVCD-CQ-352x240-(NTSCFilm)-1CD.mcf so tell me your result
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