Quantcast Old KVCD Templates with the KVCDx2 GOP Structure? - digitalFAQ.com Forums [Archives]
06-13-2002, 04:11 PM
TKS TKS is offline
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Is it possible to use your old templates with the kvcdx2 GOP structure?

Or can i just take the new template and change the resolution to 352x240? Im having a nightmare trying to get the new template to work with dvd rips. Its great for captures, but really difficult to get working properly on my apex 1500 with dvd rips.

I was more interested in the last line of the GOP structure :

Max number of frames in a GOP..

ON the old one it was 0 on the new one its 48... could i just change that one on the old template?

sorry to be a pest

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Someday, 12:01 PM
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06-13-2002, 07:16 PM
kwag kwag is offline
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Originally Posted by TKS

Is it possible to use your old templates with the kvcdx2 GOP structure?

Or can i just take the new template and change the resolution to 352x240? Im having a nightmare trying to get the new template to work with dvd rips. Its great for captures, but really difficult to get working properly on my apex 1500 with dvd rips.

I was more interested in the last line of the GOP structure :

Max number of frames in a GOP..

ON the old one it was 0 on the new one its 48... could i just change that one on the old template?

sorry to be a pest

Not a pest at all!. You called at the right time, as I'm just playing with a new 352x240 template! Don't change that last parameter from 48 to 0. If you do, you'll notice a flashing effect on long scenes, because the GOP is too long. 48 guarantees that at least one I frame will be inserted no less than every 2 seconds ( at least in the NTSCFilm templates). Here it is, before I finally post it.
I am doing an encode right now to see the file size of "The Matrix" ( again ) with these parameters.

I'm updating all of them with the same GOP ( 1-18-3-1-48 ) and the new Q.Matrix, except the KDVD templates which are 1-18-3-1-18. These values have given the optimal results.

I'll start updating the template names like this probably late tonight or tomorrow:

-- KVCD Standard VCD Size --

-- KVCD Half D1 Size --

-- KVCD XVCD Size --

-- KDVD Full D-1 DVD compliant --

-- KDVD Half D-1 DVD compliant --

This way it will be able to easily identify them, and avoid confusion!


This is the test template for the KVCD-CQ-352x240-(NTSCFilm)-1CD.mcf so tell me your result

object TMPEGConfigFile
MPEG.Text = ''
MPEG.WizardCategoryName = ''
MPEG.WizardSubFormatName = ''
MPEG.WizardCaption = ''
MPEG.WizardDescription = ''
MPEG.WizardTargetMedia = MPEGConfig_TargetMediaType_Unknown
MPEG.WizardAutoCalcVideoBitRate = False
MPEG.WizardEnableAutoChooseVideoSizeList = False
MPEG.WizardAutoChooseVideoSizeList = <>
MPEG.OutputStreamType = MPEG_OutputStreamType_System_VideoAudio
MPEG.OutputStreamType_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.StreamType = MPEGVideoEncoder_StreamType_MPEG1
MPEG.Video.StreamType_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.Width = 352
MPEG.Video.Width_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.Height = 240
MPEG.Video.Height_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.YUVFormat = 1
MPEG.Video.YUVFormat_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.DC_prec = 0
MPEG.Video.DC_prec_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.VideoEncodeMode = MPEGVideoEncoder_VideoEncodeMode_Progressive
MPEG.Video.VideoEncodeMode_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.FrameRate = 1
MPEG.Video.FrameRate_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.AspectRatio = 12
MPEG.Video.AspectRatio_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.RateControlMode = MPEGVideoEncoder_RateControlMode_CQ
MPEG.Video.RateControlMode_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.MaxBitRate = 0
MPEG.Video.MaxBitRate_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.MinBitRate = 0
MPEG.Video.MinBitRate_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.MinAvgBitRate = 0
MPEG.Video.MinAvgBitRate_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.CBR_BitRate = 0
MPEG.Video.VBR_MultipassVBRAlgorithm = MPEGVideoEncoder_MultipassVBRAlgorithm_MultipassCQ
MPEG.Video.VBR_AvgBitRate = 0
MPEG.Video.VBR_MaxBitRate = 0
MPEG.Video.VBR_MinBitRate = 0
MPEG.Video.VBR_MaxPassCount = 2
MPEG.Video.VBR_Quality_P = 0
MPEG.Video.VBR_Quality_B = 20
MPEG.Video.VBR_EnablePadding = False
MPEG.Video.MVBR_MaxBitRate = 0
MPEG.Video.MVBR_MinBitRate = 0
MPEG.Video.MVBR_Quality_P = 0
MPEG.Video.MVBR_Quality_B = 20
MPEG.Video.MVBR_EnablePadding = False
MPEG.Video.AVBR_Quality = 0
MPEG.Video.AVBR_MaxBitRate = 0
MPEG.Video.AVBR_MinBitRate = 0
MPEG.Video.AVBR_EnablePadding = False
MPEG.Video.CQ_Quality = 80
MPEG.Video.CQ_Quality_P = 0
MPEG.Video.CQ_Quality_B = 20
MPEG.Video.CQ_MaxBitRate = 1150000
MPEG.Video.CQ_MinBitRate = 300000
MPEG.Video.CQ_EnablePadding = True
MPEG.Video.VBVBufferSize = 40960
MPEG.Video.VBVBufferSize_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.GOP_SeqHeaderInterval = 1
MPEG.Video.GOP_SeqHeaderInterval_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.GOP_I_FrameCount = 1
MPEG.Video.GOP_I_FrameCount_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.GOP_P_FrameCount = 18
MPEG.Video.GOP_P_FrameCount_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.GOP_B_FrameCount = 3
MPEG.Video.GOP_B_FrameCount_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.GOP_BitStreamForEdit = False
MPEG.Video.GOP_BitStreamForEdit_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.GOP_MaxFrameCount = 48
MPEG.Video.GOP_MaxFrameCount_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.QuantizeMatrix_Intra_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.QuantizeMatrix_NonIntra_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.Profile = 4
MPEG.Video.Profile_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.Level = 8
MPEG.Video.Level_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.VideoFormat = 2
MPEG.Video.VideoFormat_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.DisplayWidth = 0
MPEG.Video.DisplayWidth_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.DisplayHeight = 0
MPEG.Video.DisplayHeight_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.MotionSearchSpeed = MPEGVideoEncoder_MotionSearchSpeed_Normal
MPEG.Video.MotionSearch_AlwaysHalfPel = False
MPEG.Video.UseFloatDCT = True
MPEG.Video.QuantizeMode = True
MPEG.Video.QuantizeModeVal_Intra = 0
MPEG.Video.QuantizeModeVal_NonIntra = 0
MPEG.Video.YUVBasicYCbCr = True
MPEG.Video.QuantizeMatrix_Intra = {
080D0F131317171D0D0D111316171B1D0F111316171B1D2311 1516171B1D2325
1515171B1F21252E15191B1F21252E3A19191F212528364519 1F21252836454E}
MPEG.Video.QuantizeMatrix_NonIntra = {
080B0D0F0F1313180B0B0F0F131518190D0F1113151819220D 111315171A2263
111315171A2063631115171A2063636316161C1E6363636316 1C1E6363636363}
MPEG.Audio.StreamType = MPEGAudioEncoder_StreamType_MPEG1_Layer2
MPEG.Audio.StreamType_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Audio.SamplingFrequency = 44100
MPEG.Audio.SamplingFrequency_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Audio.ChannelMode = 2
MPEG.Audio.ChannelMode_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Audio.CantUseMono = False
MPEG.Audio.BitRate = 160000
MPEG.Audio.BitRate_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Audio.CalcCRC = False
MPEG.Audio.CalcCRC_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Audio.OriginalFlag = False
MPEG.Audio.OriginalFlag_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Audio.CopyrightFlag = False
MPEG.Audio.CopyrightFlag_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Audio.PrivateFlag = False
MPEG.Audio.PrivateFlag_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Audio.EmphasisType = 0
MPEG.Audio.EmphasisType_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.System.StreamType = MPEGSystemEncoder_StreamType_MPEG1_VideoCD_Illegal
MPEG.System.StreamType_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.System.EnableCommentText = False
MPEG.System.CommentText = ''
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06-13-2002, 07:28 PM
TKS TKS is offline
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Great thanks...

Im goin to be doin it with a Above Deadly Ground.. its 1:41 long.. ill giver a shot and tell ya the results as soon as i can...
THis movie has plenty of BOOM BOOM BANG BANG in it.. plus lots of fire and smoke.. I usually use those elements on judgin the quality...

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06-13-2002, 07:44 PM
kwag kwag is offline
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Originally Posted by TKS
Great thanks...

Im goin to be doin it with a Above Deadly Ground.. its 1:41 long.. ill giver a shot and tell ya the results as soon as i can...
THis movie has plenty of BOOM BOOM BANG BANG in it.. plus lots of fire and smoke.. I usually use those elements on judgin the quality...

How's this for a BOOM BOOM BANG It can't get worse than this!

Just made it with the template above.

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06-13-2002, 09:16 PM
Scav Scav is offline
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Ummm, shouldn't your KVCDx2 templates be 704x480, not 352x480?
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06-13-2002, 10:20 PM
kwag kwag is offline
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Originally Posted by Scav

Ummm, shouldn't your KVCDx2 templates be 704x480, not 352x480?
See!, that's why I said earlier that my brain is up in smoke!
Thanks Scav. It's fixed.
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06-14-2002, 10:44 AM
Yoda Yoda is offline
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Are all the new templates to be used with FitCD or the DVD2AVI project file? I've had no success with FitCD, the resolution on Black Hawk Down scenes with a lot of dust is crappy.
May the code force be with you
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06-14-2002, 12:28 PM
kwag kwag is offline
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Originally Posted by Yoda
Are all the new templates to be used with FitCD or the DVD2AVI project file? I've had no success with FitCD, the resolution on Black Hawk Down scenes with a lot of dust is crappy.
You can use FitCD or DVD2AVI if you want. But KVCD templates are nothing more than "templates", so you use anything you would use with the regular templates included with TMPEG. Your output quality will always depend on the input source quality.

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06-14-2002, 06:01 PM
TKS TKS is offline
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Well the movie came out to be about 620 megs at the default CQ (which is 80) but the most important thing is that it plays perfectly on my Apex 1500 with no modifications what so ever.. Thank you.. Im goin to play around with the CQ some more..
Would making it higher get better quality or just a bigger file size?

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06-14-2002, 06:17 PM
kwag kwag is offline
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Originally Posted by TKS
Well the movie came out to be about 620 megs at the default CQ (which is 80) but the most important thing is that it plays perfectly on my Apex 1500 with no modifications what so ever.. Thank you.. Im goin to play around with the CQ some more..
Would making it higher get better quality or just a bigger file size?

Hi TKS. There is no more quality increase above the CQ of 80. You'll just get a larger file size.
"The Matrix" came out to 814,183KB with the template above. Perfectly burned with VCDEasy ( and the KVCD Intro too )
This is the template I'm going to recommend for compatibility issues. Even VCDEasy recognizes the mpeg as a standard VCD!.

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06-14-2002, 06:22 PM
kwag kwag is offline
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I'm fixing to post the templates and the DVD compatibility table hopefully late tonight. From a single page, you'll be able to download the templates and view the DVD models that users have reported to work/not work.
Credit goes to MrRobot for supplying the data.
I'll send an E-Mail announcement when the page is up.

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06-15-2002, 12:07 PM
syk2c11 syk2c11 is offline
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just for your information, Nero also recognises the new template (KVCD-352x240-NTSCFilm) as "Standard VCD". So, does it mean that it can be viewed on ordinary "VCD" player??
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06-15-2002, 05:16 PM
kwag kwag is offline
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Originally Posted by syk2c11
just for your information, Nero also recognises the new template (KVCD-352x240-NTSCFilm) as "Standard VCD". So, does it mean that it can be viewed on ordinary "VCD" player??
That has to be tested
The mpeg created is still a CQ VBR file, and the bit rate is not constant. Some players will choke. But hopefully a very small percent

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06-16-2002, 04:45 AM
bman bman is offline
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Originally Posted by kwag
Originally Posted by TKS

Is it possible to use your old templates with the kvcdx2 GOP structure?

Or can i just take the new template and change the resolution to 352x240? Im having a nightmare trying to get the new template to work with dvd rips. Its great for captures, but really difficult to get working properly on my apex 1500 with dvd rips.

I was more interested in the last line of the GOP structure :

Max number of frames in a GOP..

ON the old one it was 0 on the new one its 48... could i just change that one on the old template?

sorry to be a pest

Not a pest at all!. You called at the right time, as I'm just playing with a new 352x240 template! Don't change that last parameter from 48 to 0. If you do, you'll notice a flashing effect on long scenes, because the GOP is too long. 48 guarantees that at least one I frame will be inserted no less than every 2 seconds ( at least in the NTSCFilm templates). Here it is, before I finally post it.
I am doing an encode right now to see the file size of "The Matrix" ( again ) with these parameters.

I'm updating all of them with the same GOP ( 1-18-3-1-48 ) and the new Q.Matrix, except the KDVD templates which are 1-18-3-1-18. These values have given the optimal results.

I'll start updating the template names like this probably late tonight or tomorrow:

-- KVCD Standard VCD Size --

-- KVCD Half D1 Size --

-- KVCD XVCD Size --

-- KDVD Full D-1 DVD compliant --

-- KDVD Half D-1 DVD compliant --

This way it will be able to easily identify them, and avoid confusion!


This is the test template for the KVCD-CQ-352x240-(NTSCFilm)-1CD.mcf so tell me your result

object TMPEGConfigFile
MPEG.Text = ''
MPEG.WizardCategoryName = ''
MPEG.WizardSubFormatName = ''
MPEG.WizardCaption = ''
MPEG.WizardDescription = ''
MPEG.WizardTargetMedia = MPEGConfig_TargetMediaType_Unknown
MPEG.WizardAutoCalcVideoBitRate = False
MPEG.WizardEnableAutoChooseVideoSizeList = False
MPEG.WizardAutoChooseVideoSizeList = <>
MPEG.OutputStreamType = MPEG_OutputStreamType_System_VideoAudio
MPEG.OutputStreamType_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.StreamType = MPEGVideoEncoder_StreamType_MPEG1
MPEG.Video.StreamType_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.Width = 352
MPEG.Video.Width_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.Height = 240
MPEG.Video.Height_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.YUVFormat = 1
MPEG.Video.YUVFormat_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.DC_prec = 0
MPEG.Video.DC_prec_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.VideoEncodeMode = MPEGVideoEncoder_VideoEncodeMode_Progressive
MPEG.Video.VideoEncodeMode_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.FrameRate = 1
MPEG.Video.FrameRate_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.AspectRatio = 12
MPEG.Video.AspectRatio_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.RateControlMode = MPEGVideoEncoder_RateControlMode_CQ
MPEG.Video.RateControlMode_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.MaxBitRate = 0
MPEG.Video.MaxBitRate_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.MinBitRate = 0
MPEG.Video.MinBitRate_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.MinAvgBitRate = 0
MPEG.Video.MinAvgBitRate_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.CBR_BitRate = 0
MPEG.Video.VBR_MultipassVBRAlgorithm = MPEGVideoEncoder_MultipassVBRAlgorithm_MultipassCQ
MPEG.Video.VBR_AvgBitRate = 0
MPEG.Video.VBR_MaxBitRate = 0
MPEG.Video.VBR_MinBitRate = 0
MPEG.Video.VBR_MaxPassCount = 2
MPEG.Video.VBR_Quality_P = 0
MPEG.Video.VBR_Quality_B = 20
MPEG.Video.VBR_EnablePadding = False
MPEG.Video.MVBR_MaxBitRate = 0
MPEG.Video.MVBR_MinBitRate = 0
MPEG.Video.MVBR_Quality_P = 0
MPEG.Video.MVBR_Quality_B = 20
MPEG.Video.MVBR_EnablePadding = False
MPEG.Video.AVBR_Quality = 0
MPEG.Video.AVBR_MaxBitRate = 0
MPEG.Video.AVBR_MinBitRate = 0
MPEG.Video.AVBR_EnablePadding = False
MPEG.Video.CQ_Quality = 80
MPEG.Video.CQ_Quality_P = 0
MPEG.Video.CQ_Quality_B = 20
MPEG.Video.CQ_MaxBitRate = 1150000
MPEG.Video.CQ_MinBitRate = 300000
MPEG.Video.CQ_EnablePadding = True
MPEG.Video.VBVBufferSize = 40960
MPEG.Video.VBVBufferSize_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.GOP_SeqHeaderInterval = 1
MPEG.Video.GOP_SeqHeaderInterval_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.GOP_I_FrameCount = 1
MPEG.Video.GOP_I_FrameCount_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.GOP_P_FrameCount = 18
MPEG.Video.GOP_P_FrameCount_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.GOP_B_FrameCount = 3
MPEG.Video.GOP_B_FrameCount_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.GOP_BitStreamForEdit = False
MPEG.Video.GOP_BitStreamForEdit_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.GOP_MaxFrameCount = 48
MPEG.Video.GOP_MaxFrameCount_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.QuantizeMatrix_Intra_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.QuantizeMatrix_NonIntra_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.Profile = 4
MPEG.Video.Profile_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.Level = 8
MPEG.Video.Level_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.VideoFormat = 2
MPEG.Video.VideoFormat_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.DisplayWidth = 0
MPEG.Video.DisplayWidth_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.DisplayHeight = 0
MPEG.Video.DisplayHeight_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Video.MotionSearchSpeed = MPEGVideoEncoder_MotionSearchSpeed_Normal
MPEG.Video.MotionSearch_AlwaysHalfPel = False
MPEG.Video.UseFloatDCT = True
MPEG.Video.QuantizeMode = True
MPEG.Video.QuantizeModeVal_Intra = 0
MPEG.Video.QuantizeModeVal_NonIntra = 0
MPEG.Video.YUVBasicYCbCr = True
MPEG.Video.QuantizeMatrix_Intra = {
080D0F131317171D0D0D111316171B1D0F111316171B1D2311 1516171B1D2325
1515171B1F21252E15191B1F21252E3A19191F212528364519 1F21252836454E}
MPEG.Video.QuantizeMatrix_NonIntra = {
080B0D0F0F1313180B0B0F0F131518190D0F1113151819220D 111315171A2263
111315171A2063631115171A2063636316161C1E6363636316 1C1E6363636363}
MPEG.Audio.StreamType = MPEGAudioEncoder_StreamType_MPEG1_Layer2
MPEG.Audio.StreamType_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Audio.SamplingFrequency = 44100
MPEG.Audio.SamplingFrequency_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Audio.ChannelMode = 2
MPEG.Audio.ChannelMode_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Audio.CantUseMono = False
MPEG.Audio.BitRate = 160000
MPEG.Audio.BitRate_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Audio.CalcCRC = False
MPEG.Audio.CalcCRC_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Audio.OriginalFlag = False
MPEG.Audio.OriginalFlag_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Audio.CopyrightFlag = False
MPEG.Audio.CopyrightFlag_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Audio.PrivateFlag = False
MPEG.Audio.PrivateFlag_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.Audio.EmphasisType = 0
MPEG.Audio.EmphasisType_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.System.StreamType = MPEGSystemEncoder_StreamType_MPEG1_VideoCD_Illegal
MPEG.System.StreamType_ReadOnly = False
MPEG.System.EnableCommentText = False
MPEG.System.CommentText = ''


Tryed your new 1-18-3-1-48 GOP with "RONIN" and u now what ?
Every 2-3 seconds color becomes brighter and some ugly blocks show up, but with 1-18-3-1-18 encoded clip was just perfect !!!
So, maybe u will not to be too hurry and make some additional tests before u do so drastic change from 48 instead 18 .

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06-16-2002, 09:00 AM
kwag kwag is offline
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Hi bman:

1-18-3-1-18 will work ok, but not as much compression as 1-18-3-1-48. In standalone DVD players, a VCD with 1-18-3-1-48 looks perfectly fine, but in a software player, you will see the color changes you describe.
For the KDVD templates, the 1-18-3-1-18 must be used because that last 18 is what fixes the number of frames per GOP. It's a requirement for DVD specifications, but not for VCD's. With 1-18-3-1-48 is how we gain such a high compression, not possible in DVD's. If I use 1-18-3-1-18, the VCD mgegs will be much larger then the current size, and the 120 minute mark in one CD will not be possible anymore.

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06-16-2002, 09:35 AM
bman bman is offline
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Originally Posted by kwag
Hi bman:

1-18-3-1-18 will work ok, but not as much compression as 1-18-3-1-48. In standalone DVD players, a VCD with 1-18-3-1-48 looks perfectly fine, but in a software player, you will see the color changes you describe.
For the KDVD templates, the 1-18-3-1-18 must be used because that last 18 is what fixes the number of frames per GOP. It's a requirement for DVD specifications, but not for VCD's. With 1-18-3-1-48 is how we gain such a high compression, not possible in DVD's. If I use 1-18-3-1-18, the VCD mgegs will be much larger then the current size, and the 120 minute mark in one CD will not be possible anymore.

Hi Kwag !
Finished "Ronin" encoding .
I have changed some params to go up ( to avoid color changes and better visual quality) to 920-940 mb .
720x480 , 600/2300 spilage 0/20 , GOP 1-18-3-1-23 , Audio 44100 96kbps .
So I've got 121 min movie with 940.2 mb - Precisely as intended for one CD-R90 .

Movie looks "PERFECTO"

Love our Work , you are great !!!
For me - CD-R90 gives new life to KxVCD .
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06-16-2002, 10:05 AM
kwag kwag is offline
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Originally Posted by bman
Originally Posted by kwag
Hi bman:

1-18-3-1-18 will work ok, but not as much compression as 1-18-3-1-48. In standalone DVD players, a VCD with 1-18-3-1-48 looks perfectly fine, but in a software player, you will see the color changes you describe.
For the KDVD templates, the 1-18-3-1-18 must be used because that last 18 is what fixes the number of frames per GOP. It's a requirement for DVD specifications, but not for VCD's. With 1-18-3-1-48 is how we gain such a high compression, not possible in DVD's. If I use 1-18-3-1-18, the VCD mgegs will be much larger then the current size, and the 120 minute mark in one CD will not be possible anymore.

Hi Kwag !
Finished "Ronin" encoding .
I have changed some params to go up ( to avoid color changes and better visual quality) to 920-940 mb .
720x480 , 600/2300 spilage 0/20 , GOP 1-18-3-1-23 , Audio 44100 96kbps .
So I've got 121 min movie with 940.2 mb - Precisely as intended for one CD-R90 .

Movie looks "PERFECTO"

Love our Work , you are great !!!
For me - CD-R90 gives new life to KxVCD .
Thanks bman!. I can't get those damn CD-R90 or 99 yet at any local store Where are you buying them, and what's the price?

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06-16-2002, 10:45 AM
bman bman is offline
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Originally Posted by kwag
Originally Posted by bman
Originally Posted by kwag
Hi bman:

1-18-3-1-18 will work ok, but not as much compression as 1-18-3-1-48. In standalone DVD players, a VCD with 1-18-3-1-48 looks perfectly fine, but in a software player, you will see the color changes you describe.
For the KDVD templates, the 1-18-3-1-18 must be used because that last 18 is what fixes the number of frames per GOP. It's a requirement for DVD specifications, but not for VCD's. With 1-18-3-1-48 is how we gain such a high compression, not possible in DVD's. If I use 1-18-3-1-18, the VCD mgegs will be much larger then the current size, and the 120 minute mark in one CD will not be possible anymore.

Hi Kwag !
Finished "Ronin" encoding .
I have changed some params to go up ( to avoid color changes and better visual quality) to 920-940 mb .
720x480 , 600/2300 spilage 0/20 , GOP 1-18-3-1-23 , Audio 44100 96kbps .
So I've got 121 min movie with 940.2 mb - Precisely as intended for one CD-R90 .

Movie looks "PERFECTO"

Love our Work , you are great !!!
For me - CD-R90 gives new life to KxVCD .
Thanks bman!. I can't get those damn CD-R90 or 99 yet at any local store Where are you buying them, and what's the price?

Hi again !
The last time I've bought GPT CD-R90 20 disk balk at "Office deppot" store - 5.5-6 US $
They are reliable and high quality - so worth every cent for my purposes.

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06-16-2002, 11:33 AM
gvarney gvarney is offline
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Originally Posted by kwag

Thanks bman!. I can't get those damn CD-R90 or 99 yet at any local store Where are you buying them, and what's the price?
You may know this already, but CompUSA has 99 min CDRs (product # 282323). Apparently they're not available at all stores, but are available online. Add shipping, I dunno. But they are a good price compared to others I've found online, 16 of them for $9.99. These don't *appear* as 99 min online, but they are, the box has it on it. They're up to 16X too.

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06-17-2002, 10:01 AM
darkstar808 darkstar808 is offline
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Thanks bman!. I can't get those damn CD-R90 or 99 yet at any local store Where are you buying them, and what's the price?
I get them from www.yesbuy.net the run $30 for 50. They work good on my apex and for audio. I have yet to find them at any local store.

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