thx so much dude , with besweet it doesnt have that weird sound but i need a lil more help , this is my besweet thing:
"h:\RECOVERY DISC\Programs\DVD Rip\svcd,vcd,kvcd\kvcd\Tools\ToK_0.0.5.3\BeSweet\BeSweet.exe" -core( -input "C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\please.wav" -output "C:\please.mp2" ) -ota( -r 25000 23976 ) -2lame( -s 44.1 )
but it makes a .mp2 file of 128kbps (20mb) and the original is just 56kbps so what should i put in the code to make besweet make a 56kbps .mp2?
(i am trying to put like 5 episodes in 1 cd) thats why i need space