have a xvid movie i can't convert. When i open it with WMP it doesn't work. So i've open it with virtualdub to analyse it and when i look at the file information it recognize the video format (Xvid) but not the audio (48Khz, 5 channels stereo, compression unknown.
It seems that de audio codec is AC3. You need an audio AC3 filter.
First you download and installs the filter (may be you'll find it in a codec pack). Then you open the movie with virtual dub and got audio/direct stream and then file/save wav. That file will have a .wav extension, but really it is .ac3. You have to rename it to name.AC3. After that, open that .ac3 with heac3he, and convert it to mp2 (in OPTIONS mark your preferences: bitrate, surround, etc...).
So i think the problem comes from the audio part but i don't know what to do (which codec to install). I think the audio is ac3 the i've installed Powerdvd and it doesn't change anything.
Power dvd only allow to watch the movie with it. But it doesn't installs a codec for other aplications. You need, I repeat you, ac3 filter!