Hi there!
Its simple!
First u must know in what for a quality u want to encode. A DVD is a large Medium. It can hold 4,380 MB. So, check the legth of ur movies. An 120 Min movie will be sometimes larger than a 90 min film.
If u´ve short films in 16:9 u can use a better Quality.
How to do it:
First create a project with DVD2AVI 1.76. (Demux the audio tracks u want to AC3 files!!!).
Encode the AC3 Files with besweet. (It must be 48.000 KHz!!!!!. The bitrate should be min. 160 kb.)
So now u´ve all ur audiotracks in MP2 (48.000 Khz). and ur 3 *.d2v-files.
Start MovieStacker.
Its DVD so coose the right DVD resolutions:
3/4 DVD full (544x576 (or 480)) for AR: 2,35:1 movies
3/4 DVD small (528x576 (or 480)) for AR: 1,77:1 movies
1/2 DVD (352x576 (or 480)) for AR: 4:3 movies
Use the normal KDVD Filtersettings of MOviestacker:
Sample Script for 352x576:
Mpeg2Source("Enter here ur source")
GripCrop(352, 576)
STMedianFilter(8, 32, 0, 0, 8, 32)
UnFilter(50, 50)
TemporalSmoother(1, 1)
Start ToK
Choose one of ur avs-Scripts and open it in ToK.
Go to the section 'Predition & Spacing' and enter ur wanted filesize at spacing by using 'free'.
For example: U´ve 4,380 MB free on ur DVD. So u can splitt this space to 3 same file sizes. So enter 1.460.000.000 Bytes.
Go to Audio & More an enter the path to ur encoded MP2-File for this movie.
At more enter this for the GOP: 1, 12, 2, 1, 25.
Go to Main. Choose Mpeg 2 and activate no muxing! Hit Start and ToK encode ur movie in the wanted filesize. Must be a nice quality!
Edit ur DVD with TMPGEnc DVD Author for example:
Open ur files with add and choose the right audiotrack for the movie.
Create a menü with chapter or so and create the DVD-Files. Burn this with ur favorite burnig-programm like Nero 6...