Quantcast KVCD: 1-18-3-1-60 GOP = Save 6.3% Space? - digitalFAQ.com Forums [Archives]
06-19-2002, 10:36 AM
bman bman is offline
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Hi Kwag !
Encoded high action 1min clip with 720x480 & original 1-18-3-1-48 => 13288 kb
The same clip with 1-18-3-1-60 => 12454kb
Save 834 kb - 6.3% !!!
(~Same effect in slow scenes)
No quality degradation !!!! looks same as original GOP but ....
After encoding of about 45sec remaining time in TMPGenc window starts rise slowly from 2:36 to 3:55 min until end of encoding of 15sec clip.
I know that original GOP u made is optimal .
Longer GOP can't give more compression(according u and u are my GURU) but how it can be that there is more additional compression .
I wonder if increasing of encoding time is related to LONGER GOP .
Tryed bigger numbers 60->72 but no success.

Can u make it clear for me ???
Is there more in TMPGenc abilities that we haven't used yet ???

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06-28-2002, 02:29 AM
Jellygoose Jellygoose is offline
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That sounds interesting Bman...

I'm wondering why kwag didn't respond to that yet. Well did you run anymore test with that GOP ?

Let me know!
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06-28-2002, 04:33 AM
bman bman is offline
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Originally Posted by Jellygoose
That sounds interesting Bman...

I'm wondering why kwag didn't respond to that yet. Well did you run anymore test with that GOP ?

Let me know!
Hi Jellygoose !
Welcome !!!
U must be new in this forum , right ?
I tryed some more test with that GOP but every time something is going wrong .
After encoding of 30-40 sec of clip encoding time starts rise and becomes 2-3 times bigger .
I just gived up and lived it as it's.
KWAG have so much on his mind , so much to do , probably have no time to check all this thing ...
And , generally , don't expect to answer to all u'r questions .
It dosn't work at this way in here
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06-28-2002, 12:26 PM
kwag kwag is offline
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Sorry guys but I'm no a robot
And I've been very busy these last days.
Answering your question on 1-18-3-1-60 I know that you get way greater compression, but on very long scenes, where you don't have scene changes, you start getting "brightness" changes at random points of your film. It looks like sudden flashes. You won't see this in action films. This was reported a while ago, and that's why I fixed the GOP to 1-18-3-1-48. Originally it was 1-18-3-1-0 meaning that the last "0" the encoder doesn't have limitation on the number of GOP frames. When I changed that to 48, it means that at least one I frame will be inserted in the GOP every 2 seconds. So you don't get the effect that was seen with the value of "0", or extremely long (automatic) GOP.

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06-30-2002, 01:08 AM
bman bman is offline
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Originally Posted by kwag
Sorry guys but I'm no a robot
And I've been very busy these last days.
Answering your question on 1-18-3-1-60 I know that you get way greater compression, but on very long scenes, where you don't have scene changes, you start getting "brightness" changes at random points of your film. It looks like sudden flashes. You won't see this in action films. This was reported a while ago, and that's why I fixed the GOP to 1-18-3-1-48. Originally it was 1-18-3-1-0 meaning that the last "0" the encoder doesn't have limitation on the number of GOP frames. When I changed that to 48, it means that at least one I frame will be inserted in the GOP every 2 seconds. So you don't get the effect that was seen with the value of "0", or extremely long (automatic) GOP.

I already read about this side effects of "brighness" and flashes but I've tryed and not on PC and nor big screen TV I don't see all those .
What about rise of encoding time? Have u any explanation (not just a very long GOP )?
Even if it's coz of long GOP , can't we somehow trick the encoder ?
If so benefit be more video on CD !
It's worth to work about !?
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