OK, I've burned a few KVCDs with no problems in the past. However, this latest encode is causing me some headaches. Hopefully the resident experts can help me out.
I start out with an AVI in Xvid format. GSpot tells me that the video is 576x304, bitrate of 881 kb/s, and FPS of 23.97, and that I have two compatible codecs installed. GSpot also tells me that the audio is 0x0055(MP3) ID'd as MPEG-1 Layer 3, bitrate of 117 kb/s (58/ch, stereo) VBR LAME3.93, and Fs of 48000 Hz, and that I have two compatible codecs installed.
So, I took the normal steps pretty much straight out of the guides. I extracted the WAV audio from the AVI using VDub, and then converted this to MP2 (160 kbps, 48 khz) using HeadAc3he. This MP2 plays fine in WMP, and Winamp.
I created a script using the optimal Avisynth 2.08 and using Moviestacker to create the GripFit parameters. The script is below:
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\MovieStacker\Filters\MPEG2Dec.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\MovieStacker\Filters\TemporalCleanerOld.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\MovieStacker\Filters\GripFit_preview.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\MovieStacker\Filters\DustV5.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\MovieStacker\Filters\LegalClip.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\MovieStacker\Filters\Unfilter.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\MovieStacker\Filters\STMedianFilter.dll")
GripCrop(352, 480, source_anamorphic=false)
STMedianFilter(8, 32, 0, 0, 8, 32)
# SpaceDust() # Optional - for some "not so clean" DVDs.
# Convolution3d or DCTFilter for extreme worse cases.
I loaded this up in ToK and let it do it's thing, and got a resulting M1V file (I set ToK not to multiplex). The M1V looks fine in WMP, no jumps or skips. I then Multiplexed using BBmpeg and the settings Kwag recommended. The resulting MPEG plays just fine in WMP, audio and video is synced and the audio or video never skips or drops out.
So I burned the MPEG using Nero (VCD, compliance off, NTSC), and when I play this on my standalone (Philips 724) the audio drops out every few seconds (although it doesn't seem to be uniform, sometimes it will go 20 seconds without a problem, and then it drops out again). The video also is jumpy, where it looks as though the video skips frames or fast forwards itself to 'catch up' to where it should be.
Anyone had this problem, or know of any solutions to try to fix this? Any help is appreciated.