Hello all
Just wanted to say that this site and the info you share is outstanding,
I have been reading here for a few weeks or so and have tried many time to convert a video file to fit on 1 disc, I have read just about every guide that I could find here,
Here is where I am at now
I have a 768 mb .avi file(Divx)
I have Tmpgenc v2.59, headac3he, virtualdub, moviestacker v2.0.0(beta 3) avisynth 2.5, tok with the extras
ok, I have followed all the guides and I am still having problems with the encoding, I worked on this most of last week and I had to stop for a few days to get my head right again, so I started again last night and now I just can't get it to go right, I hate to ask questions in any forum especially when I am stuck on something,
I decided that last night I would load the divx avi in vdub and do a full process on the audio and save as wav. now I go to headac3he and make all the settings for destination format is m2 channel mode is dual,
now I go to moviestacker and I get the message avisynth 2.5 is dectected and I ignore it, I load my file and make the change in the guide
I now go to my avisynth script, now this is were I think I am having the most problems, I have went off Kwags script and I seen were other people are usng a similiar script:
here is my script
## DLL Section ##
## Defined Variables and Constants ##
MaxTreshold = 1.50
nf = 0 # Current frame.
## Main section and static filters ###
asharp(2, 4)
GripCrop(352, 288, overscan=1, source_anamorphic=false)
STMedianFilter(8, 32, 0, 0 )
## Linear Motion Adaptive Filtering ##
# ( Portions from AviSynth's manual ) - This will apply temporalsoften to
# very static scenes, and apply variable blur on moving scenes.
# We also assign a variable - and this is why a line break is inserted:
ScriptClip("nf = YDifferenceToNext()"+chr(13)+ "nf >= 2 ? \
unfilter( -(fmin(round(nf)*2, 100)), -(fmin(round(nf)*2, 100)) ) : \
TemporalSoften(4, round(1/nf) , round(3/nf) ,0, 2) ")
#LetterBox( Your_Values_Here ) # Depends on situation. Use MovieStacker!
## Functions ###
function fmin( int f1, int f2) {
return ( f1<f2 ) ? f1 : f2
I have set my folders up to look like Kwags script, with the proper filters, I was getting red writing in the test video with my last script I had , evalution division by zero, now it seems with this script the I get it to load in tok but it won't doing anything else, tmpgnc isn't running at all, and I do have my settings all in the right locations,
I know that I seen this script was MPEG2Source("D:blah blah
and I seen form another person they switched it with the AviSource("C:blah.avi")
is this a problem?
I have also used the avisynth 2.08
with Kwags 2.08 script with no luck, I even went to the load a KVCD templete and try to encode and it didn't work either,
Am I way off?