07-26-2003, 01:55 AM
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OK I've been trying to figure out how to do SKVCDs here for weeks now. KVCDs won't play on my player. Is there any other avi to SKVCD guides out there? I think I've got most of it figured out, the only problem is when I try to load my avs in ToK i get an error: " is not a valid integer value. Here is the avs I created from MovieStacker.
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\MovieStacker\Filters\MPEG2Dec.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\MovieStacker\Filters\STMedianFilter.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\MovieStacker\Filters\DustV5.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\MovieStacker\Filters\UnFilter.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\MovieStacker\Filters\LegalClip.dll")
AviSource("G:\Ripps\Current\The Breakfast Club.avi")
BicubicResize(464, 350, 1/3, 1/3, 10, 0, 620, 352)
STMedianFilter(10, 50, 8, 10, 10, 50)
UnFilter(50, 50)
MergeChroma(blur(1.5  )
AddBorders(8, 65, 8, 65)
Also what is the real difference between KVCD and SKVCD?
Do I need the filters if I'm encoding an avi to SKVCD?
BTW I have:
MovieStacker 2.0.0
AviSynth 2.0.8
Someday, 12:01 PM
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07-26-2003, 02:12 AM
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Hi incognito,
Change this line:
AviSource("G:\Ripps\Current\The Breakfast Club.avi")
To read:
AviSource("G:\Ripps\Current\The Breakfast Club.avi", False)
That will kill the audio stream, which is why you're getting the error.
07-26-2003, 02:30 AM
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New Script:
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\MovieStacker\Filters\MPEG2Dec.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\MovieStacker\Filters\DustV5.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\MovieStacker\Filters\UnFilter.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\MovieStacker\Filters\LegalClip.dll")
AviSource("G:\Ripps\Current\The Breakfast Club.avi", False)
BicubicResize(512, 334, 1/3, 1/3, 1, 0, 638, 352)
UnFilter(50, 50)
MergeChroma(blur(1.5  )
AddBorders(8, 73, 8, 73)
Same error. OK I must sleep now...
07-26-2003, 02:58 AM
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Hey incognito,
Out of curiosity, what brand/model dvd player do you have? Maybe someone else has one too and can share their experiences with you. It's a real shame if your player can't handle KVCDs!
It's been a little while since moviestacker has been updated, so the script you created with it might be a bit outdated. You might want to check the following "Optimal Script" thread and make a few minor adjustments --> http://www.kvcd.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3483 . Of course, you can substitute the GripFit lines from the optimal script with the resizing/addborder ones that moviestacker gave you.
The difference between kvcd and skvcd is basically that one uses mpeg-1, and the other uses mpeg-2. Mpeg-1 KVCDs are what most people here use/create since mpeg-1 looks better @ bitrates below ~2500kbps and gives better compression, whereas mpeg-2 looks better for bitrates higher than ~2500kbps. Mpeg-1 KVCDs win out though because the main goal for most people is great-looking 1-disc encodes, rather than splitting a movie onto 2 or 3 discs.
Happy trails,
07-26-2003, 03:48 AM
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I receive these days the same message when loading an .avs in ToK - " is not a valid integer value. But actually there are (almost) no problems with the encoding.
07-26-2003, 07:35 AM
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If you are still getting the error and want to track it down, you'll have to go the old programmer's route and just comment out one line at a time to determine which line is giving you the problem. But as D&C said you may want to first update your script to the latest optimal script for version 2.08. I've never had any problems with the latest script, at least not in it's standard form.
Also, it should be noted that if you change your script while ToK is loaded, the only way to get ToK to recognize the changes is to exit ToK completely and the restart it and load the new version of the script. For some reason you can't just reload the updated script with the same name and have ToK recognize the changes. At least that is my experience.
A quicker way to debug the script would be to load your AVS script in VirtualDub, because you can just re-open your same script as you change it and VDub will recognize the changes.
Hope this helps.
07-26-2003, 02:19 PM
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When you say use the latest script do you mean to change the code in MovieStacker as so?
Original from MovieStacker:
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\MovieStacker\Filters\MPEG2Dec.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\MovieStacker\Filters\UnFilter.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\MovieStacker\Filters\LegalClip.dll")
AviSource("G:\Ripps\Big Shot.avi", false)
BicubicResize(352, 174, 1/3, 1/3, 1, 0, 718, 400)
UnFilter(50, 50)
AddBorders(0, 33, 0, 33)
I get this from ToK:
ToK Log: G:\Ripps\NewScript.avs
Resolution (fps):352x240 (29.971 fps)
Total Frames: 158204
Total Time : 01:27:59
Changed by cut and paste from script thread:
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\MovieStacker\Filters\MPEG2Dec.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\MovieStacker\Filters\UnFilter.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\MovieStacker\Filters\LegalClip.dll")
AviSource("G:\Ripps\Big Shot.avi", false)
GripCrop( X, Y )
STMedianFilter(8, 32, 0, 0, 8, 32)
# SpaceDust() # Optional - for some "not so clean" DVDs.
# Convolution3d or DCTFilter for extreme worse cases.
Is that how I'm supposed to do it? If I do I get this from ToK.
ToK Log: G:\Ripps\NewScript.avs
Resolution (fps):336x56 (24.000 fps)
Total Frames: 240
Total Time : 00:00:10
Not trying to be a pain in the ass just trying to figure it out. Hope someone can help.
07-26-2003, 05:06 PM
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Hi incognito,
Go in Moviestacker, take the resizing parameters and functions instead of using Gripfit, (just like you have in your top screenshot), and edit your script so you use BicubicResize, etc.
Thant means, remove GripCrop, gripSize, GripBorders.
Then save your script again. This will now use AviSynth's internal resizing. See if that clears the problem.
Load your .avs in VirtualDub, and see if you get any errors.
07-26-2003, 06:47 PM
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I think the problem is that the avi is encoded at 29.971 fps not 29.97. I'm going to try a different avi now.
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\MovieStacker\Filters\MPEG2Dec.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\MovieStacker\Filters\BlockBuster.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\MovieStacker\Filters\DustV5.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\MovieStacker\Filters\UnFilter.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\MovieStacker\Filters\LegalClip.dll")
AviSource("F:\Shares\The Cure - Trilogy - Disintegration.avi", false)
BicubicResize(336, 174, 1/3, 1/3, 16, 0, 576, 336)
UnFilter(50, 50)
TemporalSmoother(1, 2)
BlockBuster(method="noise", detail_min=1, detail_max=7, variance=1.0, seed=1)
AddBorders(8, 33, 8, 33)
I get the same error when I open the avs in ToK. " is not a valid integer value. I can open the avs in VDub and toy with it. ToK gave me the following message.
ToK Log: F:\Shares\NewScript.avs
Resolution (fps):352x240 (29.970 fps)
Total Frames: 135231
Total Time : 01:15:12
So it seems that it will work. Before I hit start the only question I have is...Are there supposed to be values in the Main page of ToK for Min Bitrate, Max Bitrate and Initial CQ?
I own a Philips DVD 701. NTSC.
07-26-2003, 07:21 PM
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BTW Thanks for all your help kwag, D Rated, and dazed&confused. It is much appreciated. I look forward to the day when all my movies are on single KVCDs not 2 SVCDs.
I own a Philips DVD 701. NTSC.
07-27-2003, 03:13 PM
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incognito, just download the program "avifrate". I downloaded it from doom9.org It's really simple, you just tell the program what frame rate of the video you want. That will solve your problem
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