Hi again
If you're not having good luck with Tok's prediction, then do what
Dialhot suggested and try out CQMatic. I'm sure that we'll all be using CQMatic soon with the way Kwag's been working on it so hard!
When all else fails, you can always use good old Manual Filesize Prediction as described in this thread:
http://www.kvcd.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2102 . This is the method that I still use for now because I don't mind the extra work it takes doing it this way since it usually gives me very accurate results. Once you get enough encodes under your belt, you sorta start to get a feel for estimating the right CQ levels for different movie types/lengths. So it doesn't usually take me many sampler encodes to narrow in on the proper CQ with the manual method anymore.
But hopefully Kwag's CQMatic will soon make manual-prediction a thing of the past!