Normaly CQMatic only gives you the right CQ. If You enter this in the settings in TMPGEnc it will encode Your movie with this tested one. Hopefully You'll get the right filesize.
@kwag: My friend OBK has troubles with CQM.
Originally Posted by OBK
I found the mistake!
I noticed something very interesting:
If CQMatic is predicting with normal results, the sample-file is called "x.m1v.sample", but if the results are always CQ=89,88, the sample-file is only called "x.m1v" ! So CQMatic looks after every Prediction-cycle after the "x.m1v.sample" (which doesn't exist), and gives you a File-Size-Difference of "-x" and a Final-CQ of ~90! But after Prediction the sample file exists and is correct, but is called "x.m1v"! So the question is: 'Why is TMPGEnc encoding with the normal ending instead of .sample '
He wrote me many times in german what he things. So now he ask and ask me about Your program... and I don't know the answer. Can You help him?
He used 1.1.11 of CQM.