Hi nicksteel..
If you know the frame or frames that is bad, do this w/ vdub (once you
know the frame, you can use AVS's TRIM() command to cut that out, if you
prefer the AVS way)
* open vdub
* load in your troubled .avi source
* go as close to the frame as you can, hopefully at the frame just before
...the bad one.
* NOW, press Ctrl+G (this is the Goto command) and type in the next frame
...number after the bad frame, and press DEL key. That should delete the
...bad frame out. Vualla!! I hope
Now bring into TMPG, and re verify through Source Range if TMPG acts up
or not.
If this works, perform the same steps using AVS's TRIM() command.. NOW
that you know the frame number.
Good luck,