I have been doing converting of all sorts for about a year now,DVD to Avi,Avi to VCD/SVCD,DVD to Svcd.I have currently been trying to convert to KVCD,finally successful.The file I am using is about 84 mins and when converted to KVCD fits on one CD-R at about 630mbs.I decided to take this same file and see what would happen if I tried to convert it to VCd,needless to say it being 84 mins I would have had to split it on to 2 discs.
Lastnight I made my first KVCD popped it into my DVD player to see what quality I would have.Man the quality is 100 times better than VCD.The only pixelation I had was when there were dark scenes other than that it ws perfect.If I had done this same file on VCd it would have been pixelated to hell.If I had done it on SVCD the quality might have been a little bit better but not by much.
I'm really impressed with KVCD's and am going to stick with it for most of my ripping.
Thanks to all here who try to help the Newbies out and to all who have taken the time to show us newbies how to do this.So far I have only learnt how to convert an AVI-KVCD but I am going to learn how to convert DVD-KVCD.Like I said the quality is very impressive.
I am one wwho is amazed.I was a bit sceptical at first but after my first KVCD not anymore.