Originally Posted by shadu
This is my first try with the KVCD template. I try to put on one CD the movie Dark city (1h36) who are in DIVX format. On my first try a obtain a 532 MEG file and burn it (i extracted the sound in WAV using virtualdub). The KVCD work very well in my pionner dv-440. But i have two problem:
1- The sound is out off synthby few sec. By lloking at the forum iobserved that the DIVX file are 25 fps soo i convert it (with virtual dub) to 23.97 fps. I think it will do it... News in few hours.
2- I have also some glitch in the sound from time to time. The original DIVX don't have these glitch. What cause it?
Hi Shadu !
First , U say "The KVCD work very well in my pionner dv-440" and than u
present 2 prob's : asinc sound and glitches .
Those 2 prob's mean that U'R KVCD dosn't works "very well" .
To get rid of this probs read some new posts on forum .
Forum members already solved them .