Originally Posted by leo
No problem about the color conversion setting, but the "use ReadAVS.dll" don't stay cheked after closing DVD2SVCD so every time I make a conversion have to chek it again, and I'm not sure is being really apliaded.
I have the ReadAVS plugin in the enviromental settings of Tmpgenc in high priority (3) don't showing any problem.
Shoudn't DVD2SVCD keep this setting cheked after closing?
thanks in advance
I have the same prob leo i even ticked it saved the Configuration on the Misc Tab and when i reloaded SVCD2DCVD it was unticked again.
I Guess u have to manually tick it every time before you start your encode.
BTW: Thanks Dialhot for finding out this excellent piece of information you have saved us so much time for our encodes.