06-30-2002, 09:39 PM
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Hello all!
How do I convert a DivX MPG4 v3 512x384 into an MPEG? Do I use 704x480, center, keep aspect ratio
Also, how do I determine if it is Interlaced or not and bitrates etc
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06-30-2002, 11:07 PM
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For determining bitrate, etc., right click and select properties on your avi.
For conversion, choose a template below or equal to your resolution.
If you choose a higher resolution than your original, the result will be worse. Anyway, the result from a DivX->mpeg won't be very good.
06-30-2002, 11:45 PM
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Be that as it may... I say try it anyway. I've converted a number of DivX files now (usually after upsizing them, no less!), and have had excellent success. Just let FitCD tell you what the correct resize parameters are and have at it. When doing an 'upsize' from screwy DivX resolutions, I usually use Bicubic Precise in AVISynth along with TemporalSmoother (Heck if I know whether to use (1,2), (2,2) or (2, 1) though). Even with the non-optimal 'upsize', I still get great quality (may be due to a sucky TV, of course).
07-01-2002, 07:01 AM
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Originally Posted by kwag
For determining bitrate, etc., right click and select properties on your avi.
The bitrate is listed as 135kbps. What does that mean? 1350 in TMPGEnc max bit rate?
Originally Posted by kwag
For conversion, choose a template below or equal to your resolution.
If you choose a higher resolution than your original, the result will be worse. Anyway, the result from a DivX->mpeg won't be very good.
Using TMPGEnc 2.53 and a modified version of one of your older templates I found the 704x480 with CENTER KEEP ASPECT as the best so far. It also makes it very compatable with my APEX 1500.
You are saying that I could go down to another 4:3 ratio such as 352x240?
07-01-2002, 07:04 AM
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Originally Posted by Daagar
Be that as it may... I say try it anyway. I've converted a number of DivX files now (usually after upsizing them, no less!), and have had excellent success. Just let FitCD tell you what the correct resize parameters are and have at it. When doing an 'upsize' from screwy DivX resolutions, I usually use Bicubic Precise in AVISynth along with TemporalSmoother (Heck if I know whether to use (1,2), (2,2) or (2, 1) though). Even with the non-optimal 'upsize', I still get great quality (may be due to a sucky TV, of course).
Interesting! I will look into those. What do you mean upsize? My guess is you "forced" it from smaller to larger without black bands?
07-01-2002, 07:06 AM
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Another question. Since the DivX is a highly compressed file and so is an MPEG1/2 how do I prevent the smudging (blockiness)  Bump up % and or max bitrate?
07-01-2002, 09:29 AM
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Depends on the quality of your source... typically, when converting DivX files, I get the same quality after encoding as the original DivX (ie., it is no worse than the original). If you are getting lots of blocks with the KVCDx2 template, my guess is that the blocks were there to begin with in the DivX file. That, or maybe TemporalSmoother is having more of an effect than I realized.
Sorry, by 'upsize' I meant I was converting from a silly DivX resolution (ie., 640x272) to a 'larger' resolution (704x272 with borders added to fill 704x480). For best results, you usually don't want to ever stretch the picture (so I should really be using the 352x480 template), but I get perfectly acceptable quality with the way I do it so I haven't been too concerned.
The bitrate of a DivX file has no direct comparison to the bitrate in a mpeg1/2 file, as far as I know. I don't know of any way to use the DivX bitrate information to help you in encoding.
Actually... I may have success converting from DivX files because the 704x480 template allows a 2300 max bitrate, whereas the 352x480 template maxes out at 1700 I think. The added bitrate may be prevent DivX blocks from becoming more pronounced. You can try upping the bitrate in the 352x480 template, but then you run the risk of getting a larger filesize than you anticipated.
07-01-2002, 03:06 PM
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I simply made a 704x480 with borders by specifying "center keep aspect ratio." That worked but left borders every side.
When I tried to do a 512x384 it would not even play on my DVD player. If I use 352x240 instead of 704x480 does that mean anything?
07-01-2002, 03:17 PM
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352x240 should work fine, but won't be as sharp and clean as 704x480, because of the obvious much lower resolution. It isn't surprising that trying to use 512x384 didn't work... that isn't a standard vcd/svcd resolution
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