09-23-2003, 08:35 AM
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I've switched to Avisynth 2.5x to use MA script, etc.
Since the old optimum script for captures won't run under 2.5x, I need good scripts for:
1. avi tv movie captures and
2. avi tv cartoon captures.
There are many discussions concerning "optimum" scripts and, due to my skills level, I find it pretty confusing. I just need something that works pretty consistently.
I am encoding my tv captures with the SKVCD 352x480 script modified to 480x480 for compatibility with both my DVD players. I capture at 720x480 with picvideo mjpeg set to 19 with virtualvcr (no frame loss).
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09-23-2003, 09:20 AM
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Hi Nicksteel,
Your capture settings are looking good. I suggest you use the following for movies:
Convolution3d(0, 10, 17, 10, 13, 2.8, 0)
I am assuming you're capturing from satellite. You might want to try BlindPP().
09-23-2003, 10:13 AM
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Originally Posted by vmesquita
Hi Nicksteel,
Your capture settings are looking good. I suggest you use the following for movies:
Convolution3d(0, 10, 17, 10, 13, 2.8, 0)
I am assuming you're capturing from satellite. You might want to try BlindPP().
Hi VMesquita,
Actually, I capture from cable. Where would I place BlindPP() in script and what does it do?
09-23-2003, 10:25 AM
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If it is digital cable, you can also use it. BlindPP() does post-processing in the image, in the same fashon DivX Post-Processing settings for DivX content. Since you're dealing with DCT-based material (digital cable or satellite), it can be useful. BlindPP() should be placed before any resizers. I assume it will only work if your cable company is actually broadcasting in FullD1, (720x480) but I don't know any way to check this other than check if the output is better.
09-24-2003, 02:18 PM
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Originally Posted by nicksteel
I've switched to Avisynth 2.5x to use MA script, etc.
Since the old optimum script for captures won't run under 2.5x, I need good scripts for:
1. avi tv movie captures and
2. avi tv cartoon captures.
There are many discussions concerning "optimum" scripts and, due to my skills level, I find it pretty confusing. I just need something that works pretty consistently.
I am encoding my tv captures with the SKVCD 352x480 script modified to 480x480 for compatibility with both my DVD players. I capture at 720x480 with picvideo mjpeg set to 19 with virtualvcr (no frame loss).
Except for FaeryDust there are 2.5x versions for the filters in the old capture script. Deen can be used as a replacement for FaeryDut or use LoadPluginEx.dll. This script will work just fine.
GripCrop( X, Y )
STMedianFilter(8, 32, 0, 0)
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