I have fixed the video being to fast, but now I have another problem on my hands. The video is jerky throughout. I first encoded the audio with TMPG encoder because the audio doesn't take long. (I use the KVCDx3-MPEG-2-NTSCFilm.mcf template)
Here are my audio settings:
After the audio is done, then I go ahead and do the video.
Here are the video settings:
Then I use BBmpeg to multi-plex them.
Here are my settings for BBmpeg:
Here are the general settings:
After multi-plexing it then I use VCD easy. Then I burn with Nero burning rom. I first view it on the computer to see if it is choppy, there are a few chops on the computer, but nothing that bad. Then I put it in my DVD player (not on computer) and it's jerky, choppy motions throughout the whole video. If anyone can tell me other settings that will work please do.