03-31-2004, 09:14 AM
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Originally Posted by Dialhot
Originally Posted by jorel
are you "lazy" to read today?!?!?
If DLing Moviestacker at office, installing it, opening it, trying to put the few info you gave into it, playing with ALL settings during 10 minutes and NEVER obtaining what you have (addborders(8,64,8,64) or even a 0% error)) is beeing lazy, so I am
EDIT: I just find which settings you have checked (actually, Moviestacker probably did it automatically when you loaded your source) : IUT-R BT !!!
Do you understand now why I wanted ALL the settings !
In your case that's right error is 0%. So now, the answer to yoru question :
"why letterbox insteed of cropping" ?
Because :
1/ I already said that "I rather to loose 1% of picture than to see 100% of it screwed up by the interpolation used in the resizer
2/ I do ANAMORPHIC DVD. And you can try to verify : no way to obtain a 0% error in this case.
no lazy of course!
from fitcd 121, using dvd toy story 1 NTSC :
source anamorphic, 720x480, overscan=1,
# -= AviSynth v2.5.5.0 script by FitCD v1.2.1 =-
 got the same values from moviestacker that show AR error=0%
now i'm lost.......more!
Someday, 12:01 PM
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03-31-2004, 09:19 AM
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Originally Posted by jorel
now i'm lost.......more!

I was talking about anormorphic TARGET (all my sources DVD are anamorphic, I do not backup the 4:3 ones, I don't even buy them !  )
Try that : anamorphic box checked in BOTH source and target, overscan = 1 -> what is the error you have ?
03-31-2004, 10:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Dialhot
Originally Posted by jorel
now i'm lost.......more!

I was talking about anormorphic TARGET (all my sources DVD are anamorphic, I do not backup the 4:3 ones, I don't even buy them !  )
Try that : anamorphic box checked in BOTH source and target, overscan = 1 -> what is the error you have ?
sorry for late, i was out some minutes!
source and target anamorrphic checked.
ITU R checked and with overscan 1 give error= -0.11%
and change the script to:
BicubicResize(704, 464, 0, 0.6, 0, 3, 720, 474)
AddBorders(8, 8, 8, 8 )
ITU R unchecked give (with anamorphic source and target) error= 0.09%
AddBorders(16,8,16,8 )
03-31-2004, 10:47 AM
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With this error values thats impossible to notice any change or distortion in image !
That's definetly not a problem of resizing parameters
@ jorel
Why u are stucked with this 1 overscan issue ????
Why don't u go for 2 or even 3 as overscan ???
Your image on tv will stay without black borders from right and left sides .
Only If u notice black borders on L or R side than reduce overscan value else go for 3 as overscan .
I'm pretty sure your tv will handle quite well .
03-31-2004, 10:55 AM
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Originally Posted by bman
With this error values thats impossible to notice any change or distortion in image !
That's definetly not a problem of resizing parameters
@ jorel
Why u are stucked with this 1 overscan issue ????
Why don't u go for 2 or even 3 as overscan ???
Your image on tv will stay without black borders from right and left sides .
Only If u notice black borders on L or R side than reduce overscan value else go for 3 as overscan .
I'm pretty sure your tv will handle quite well .
wait a few minutes , i send the pictures for Phil..he will post about it,
i can't explain better....but i try:
if i use overscan 2 or 3,
image on tv will stay without black borders from right and left sides
 give more black borders in top/bottom, right?
then....what is the real gain?
i use only overscan=1 cos i don't want to loose all in the left/right !

i forgot to post this detail bman:
i work with tvs at 30 years and my tvs have the best adjust to show
everything possible on all sides of the picture!
than, i don't need more than overscan=1!
03-31-2004, 11:13 AM
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Originally Posted by jorel
BicubicResize(704, 464, 0, 0.6, 0, 3, 720, 474)
AddBorders(8, 8, 8, 8 )
ITU R unchecked give (with anamorphic source and target) error= 0.09%
AddBorders(16,8,16,8 )
So, if you didn't noticed, you cut 3 pixels on the top and 6 on the bottom. Didn't you wanted to have "NO CROPPING" ? Try with "no cropping" as setting the error is 1.15% !
(note: actually I set all rounding values to 16 so I would actually crop more than you do but there is no reason to not using your settings).
And in the late case you have a let/right border that is different than top/bottom. That means that you will have think borders on your TV set (or no borders if your TV has an actual overscan of 2 and not 1, but in this case that means that it always mask 8 pixels from all sides and then again you don't have the full picture !).
All this because you can't or don't want to understand than resizing is the worst thing you can do if you are not mandatory to use it !
And when doing DVD->DVD, no resize is necessary.
Jorel, do you understand this sentence yes or not ? "I rather to loose 1% of picture than to see 100% of it screwed up by the interpolation used in the resizer" ?
Didn't you catched yet that the resizer introduce a lot of distort in the picture ? (both in luma and chroma) ?
Now if you prefer to use it, use it  Because I can't explain it more.
03-31-2004, 11:53 AM
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no Phil,
i don't understand the settings and now i'm not understanding you!
 you wrote:
"Try that : anamorphic box checked in BOTH source and target, overscan = 1 -> what is the error you have ?"
the last scripts i did and post cos you call me to do that adjusts.
but.....everything start here....
 i'm using this script like i posted before in this thread:
"with that script from moviestacker and fitcd: (seems correct AR)
overscan=1 error=0% AR
BicubicResize(704, 352, 0, 0.6, 0, 0, 720, 480)
AddBorders(8, 64, 8, 64) "
something is wrong in this script?
if yes or not.....i still don't know, the doubt remains:
 HOW and WHY use letterbox and/or crop
 did you saw the pictures that i send to you?
see how gripresize is wrong comparing with the scripts from fitcd/Moviestacker?!?
i'm still not clear?
03-31-2004, 12:47 PM
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i have mistaken.
03-31-2004, 01:05 PM
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Originally Posted by jorel
something is wrong in this script?
if yes or not.....i still don't know, the doubt remains:
No there is nothing wrong !
HOW and WHY use letterbox and/or crop
Why ? I drop this one ! I explained you again and again and again but you still didn't catch !
clue words : resizing screw up the picture
You have your answer ! :banghead:
How ? I gave you my script some days ago and this was the start of all this crazing post about you wish to not lose any pixels of your DVD (even if that means crewing up the entire picture).
did you saw the pictures that i send to you?
They never arrived. It seems you have a problem with your mail.
If all your thread is to make me understand that gripfit is bad, I think you should read me more carefully ! I told you some post above that I DROPPED GRIPFIT WEEKS AGO
In wich language do I have to translate that ?
03-31-2004, 01:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Dialhot
Originally Posted by jorel
something is wrong in this script?
if yes or not.....i still don't know, the doubt remains:
No there is nothing wrong !
HOW and WHY use letterbox and/or crop
Why ? I drop this one ! I explained you again and again and again but you still didn't catch !
clue words : resizing screw up the picture
You have your answer ! :banghead:
How ? I gave you my script some days ago and this was the start of all this crazing post about you wish to not lose any pixels of your DVD (even if that means crewing up the entire picture).
did you saw the pictures that i send to you?
They never arrived. It seems you have a problem with your mail.
If all your thread is to make me understand that gripfit is bad, I think you should read me more carefully ! I told you some post above that I DROPPED GRIPFIT WEEKS AGO
In wich language do I have to translate that ? 
can i start?......to
step by step:
"No there is nothing wrong ! "
"You have your answer !"
no,....i have YOUR answer!
"It seems you have a problem with your mail."
maybe ....but i got ~150 mails everyday,and notifications from 5 forums!
"I told you some post above that I DROPPED GRIPFIT WEEKS AGO"
me too.... and i post it and show the link and the reason!
"In wich language do I have to translate that ?"
que tal em português? você pode ler e entender esta frase?
what about in portuguese? do you can read and understand this phrase?
 .....try klingon! ...(english is the same for me)
we have now 14 persons on the forum, see the copy:
In total there are 14 users online :: 4 Registered, 0 Hidden and 10 Guests
for me,it menas that just a few persons can ask and answer!
we are the same everyday!
the remainder, came and back sometimes.
for me,here and all forums is to learn and teach(not in my case,i can't teach)
and to know people from differents places and cultures.
if here,we can't ask to remove our doubts with OUR friends...
i don't understand the reason of this all.
the internet is the first in the history that can gives the way
to got and send ....change informations in "real time"!
for me its not the place to fight for anything,but only to encrease the knowledge!
see that for me is hard to write this words in english cos
it's not my natural language.....sometimes and maybe all the time
i can confuse the words and can't write what i feel.
but i can feel!
have atention with the words used from everybody....
they have feelings.....the ears don't listen but the mind can feel !
we can't use the internet for problems but for solutions.
how many times do you think that my dictionary was used to post it?!?!
....and the phrases stills horribles!
i'm not here to got money with my encodes ...i want satisfaction and
good results with all i can do with a help from my friends!
in my place, friends and family ask me everyday:
why do you don't sale copys from your encodes?!?!?
cos this is not my intention, i answer!
i believe that the earth is the place where we learn only,we can't take
nothing more from here,only knowledge and frienship....
and i (we) are waiting for GOD ! ( i will pray for you my friend, can i? )
i can't think and feel better than this....this is the true for me.
then,....this place is for change informations and learn,...and got friends,.
...and knowledge,.....and all the good things that the internet can give us!
i'm talking about freedom!
right or wrong?
cool or lame?
or i'm still unclear?!?!?
03-31-2004, 02:14 PM
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see what happen with the mail that i send to you:
"i'm back baby....."
The original message was received at Wed, 31 Mar 2004 12:22:18 -0300
from MG234203.user.veloxxxxxx.com.br [xxx.xxx.xxx.xx] (may be forged)
----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
(reason: 552 5.2.3 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size (314572  )
----- Transcript of session follows -----
... while talking to smtp.renault.fr.:
>>> MAIL From:<jltoca@xxxxxx.xx.br> SIZE=4204000
<<< 552 5.2.3 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size (314572 
554 5.0.0 Service unavailable
was here, there .....or everywhere?!?!?!
of course, the "xxxxxx" are intentional!
03-31-2004, 04:33 PM
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Originally Posted by jorel
>>> MAIL From:<jltoca@xxxxxx.xx.br> SIZE=4204000
<<< 552 5.2.3 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size (314572 
554 5.0.0 Service unavailable
was here, there .....or everywhere?!?!?!
A lot of ISP have limits on the size of the mails. Here you sent a mail about 3MB ! In wich format did you save this snapshots ? 3 snap, 3 MB ? That's big  BTW, I think the mail was rejected by my company mail server.
But there is no need of these anymore as I finally found how you had your 0% error.
Note: when you do not understand something in my post, just ask for the part you don't understand. I will explain it with other words. But PLEASE : do not post again and again and again exactly the same question !
How do you feel when someone ask you "what time is it ?", you say "3:00pm" and he answers "Okay but, what time is it ?"
03-31-2004, 05:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Dialhot
Originally Posted by jorel
>>> MAIL From:<jltoca@xxxxxx.xx.br> SIZE=4204000
<<< 552 5.2.3 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size (314572 
554 5.0.0 Service unavailable
was here, there .....or everywhere?!?!?!
A lot of ISP have limits on the size of the mails. Here you sent a mail about 3MB ! In wich format did you save this snapshots ? 3 snap, 3 MB ? That's big  BTW, I think the mail was rejected by my company mail server.
But there is no need of these anymore as I finally found how you had your 0% error.
Note: when you do not understand something in my post, just ask for the part you don't understand. I will explain it with other words. But PLEASE : do not post again and again and again exactly the same question !
How do you feel when someone ask you "what time is it ?", you say "3:00pm" and he answers "Okay but, what time is it ?" 
ok my friend, i understand!
the pictures are bmp ....too big to show details!
total 2,96mb size.
but if he ask again i say:
3:00pm and 2 seconds.....is not the same!
kidding as always!
THANKS PHIL....i will pm to you THOUSAND times!
....with different questions of course!
04-01-2004, 02:41 AM
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OH C'MON..... i can't believe!
Junior Member in d9 with ONLY 5 posts:
" accurate cropping... virtual dub
if you have virtualdub, open the video with it and load null transform in the filters.
in the cropping option, note how much must be cropped off the top and bottom,
and the height of the final video after pressing okay.
now assuming the number of the lines off the top is TOP
the width is WIDTH
and the height of your new video is HEIGHT
then do
then resize it. "
 WHY nobody told me that EASY WAY BEFORE?!?!?!?!?!?
04-01-2004, 03:27 AM
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Originally Posted by jorel
WHY nobody told me that EASY WAY BEFORE
I can't beleave u didn't knew that
Did u solved resize problem
04-01-2004, 03:33 AM
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Originally Posted by bman
Me too !
Actually Jorel, there is something delivered with avisynth and that is called : the manual
04-01-2004, 05:34 AM
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Originally Posted by bman
Originally Posted by jorel
WHY nobody told me that EASY WAY BEFORE
I can't beleave u didn't knew that
Did u solved resize problem
believe my friend:
i don't knew that feature in vdub !
i don't encode avis and don't capture from tvs,
then sometimes vdub is only used for fast previews...
but see in my signature...it's true:
"i don't know, if i know something (jorel) sin-cere!"
well, the stup emoticon isn't there cos don't have more space in the signature
resize problem ?
i'm doing samples to play in standalone/tv
to see what give the seamless AR like the dvd....
 maybe i don't use any resize this time....(maybe...not sure)
....is for KDVDs!
but was (and is) cool, i learn a lot!
believe, i'm a simple user!
i learn alone and in forums with a help from you (friends)!
04-01-2004, 05:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Dialhot
Originally Posted by bman
Me too !
Actually Jorel, there is something delivered with avisynth and that is called : the manual 
you too?!?!?
don't know why you're surprise after tons of answers that i ask!
like i answer bman, i don't knew that.
is very simple to use that feature cos don't need to load the script all the time.
is faster and precise!
avisynth manual?
sometimes i TRY to read but is very confused for me....
i don't know what means the word "clip" in "everywhere"
"clip" for me is :
music with video....
in Brasil is called "clip", don't know in other countries!
i'm reading again this thread from the begining cos i know
that you and all here posted great hints that i loose in the first read!
thanks.....you're still a joker....
bman, you too.
04-01-2004, 05:44 AM
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Originally Posted by jorel
i don't knew that feature in vdub !
oh! That's that you didn't know. We understood taht you didn't know what are the parameters or the crop command !
But you know; as we are doing DVD, it's easier to use DVD2AVI to get the same information.
In the video menu, you have a "crop and resize" option. Choose it, that opens a window. Check the "crop" box and start to move the cursors. You will see quikcly how much pixels are each borders.
04-01-2004, 05:50 AM
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ok, i swear.....i will never forget!
please Phil,
read my last post before this...we posted at the same time!
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