I didn't mentioned but I have that on my 2 PCs and the second one didn't have any codec installed before.
BTW, I dropped for a while this codec, results are too poor comparing to the efforts and I don't have the time for the moment.
I'm sorry to hear that. believe me you, I understabd trials w/ ffvfw
About that sawtooth/zigzag Q you are having problems with. I was always
under the impression that you want to have the Q be as close to the sources
bitrate path as possible

I must be pretty domb then. Because at the
moment, I can't seem to stop my Q from being straight (flat-line) looking.
I mean, it's not curved or zigzag (like I assumed its suppose to be)

I'll post a pic shortly of what I'm on about K ?
As to the
emotion.mpg clip. It's a pretty high-quality source file.
1920 x 1088 resolution. Its pretty blocky in various areas, no thanks to the
limited bandwitdh for such a large resolution. But, you won't notice it when
you encode it anyways

It's all gone!! Must be an dvd2avi glitch when
you preview the
emotion.mpg clip.
By the way, this clip is Film based. That is, it's Telecined. I used my IVTC
method on this, and it came out great. So, don't worry about Interlace.
Just use
your best IVTC method to week it out and get a great looking
encode from this short, test clip, though 38mb in size. I can't remember
how long it took, but I think it took like 1hour to D/L on my 56k dial-up..
not to get that mixed w/
Dialhot :P
But, I do have a quation on this clip though. Was it Fullscreen, or was it a
widescreen. I really couldn't tell because it's my first time dealing w/ such
a large resolution source file. However, I think I prefered my tipicle TMPG
encode quality better than
my ffvfw encode. I'm still in the greay
area w/ encoding w/ ffvfw

. I think that kwag's ffvfw encode came out
much better than my ffvfw attempts. But, I suspect that it may be a "version"
difference. My version I'm using is
Sept 27 2003 13:29:54 and I did
notice some items not present when comparing kwag's screen shot over on
the sticky, page 1.