Originally Posted by nighthawk
Since headache was not reporting a delay on it's own I was trying to work with number from tmpgenc and headache to come with the delay. that's when I got the 313ms off but that didn't solve it either.
According to your hears, absolutly nothign changed ? or was 313 too short (or long) ?
I had never seen anything like it.
For sure, it's not common.
That i why I posted that the problem must be the way dvd2avi must be handling the movie.
I never said it wasn't. But from the beguining I told you that if the problem is constant, all you have to do is to "estimate" it from hear and set it into headache.
If the delay is increasing during the play, then you have a bad framerate issue somewhere.
Dialhot You had posted the above earlier and I'm really not sure at all how to check for a bad framerate or what to do for it either.
You just said your delay was constant

So this part is out of subject.
It doesn't look as if the delay is varying but it might ever so slightly where I'm not noticing it.
By varying I was talking about something that is barely noticable at begining, increasing constatlly and finishes to be very obvious at the end. Not something that change back and forward during the playback.
If you are in the late case, for sure you can't do anything ! That would mean that the framerate isn't constant during the playback

(that's perhaps why the stats of DVD2AVI are so weird)