hi there,
you allready answerd to your own
short SloMo or FF effect is done by
the player to maintain A/V in sync. And it depends on your encoding and the quality
of the S/A player if resyncing is
(mostly shure) this was reported b4:
- look at BitrateView if the videostream's
quantization has got strong jitter.
-take a look at the logfiles
(TMPGenc: filename.log). If underflow
is reported tune the encoding parameters.
VBV size could be one answer.
- Try other encoding strategy:
if using TMPGenc demux the program
stream to *.m1v and *.m1a and remux it
by using BBmpeg. If mux underflows are
reported -> tune parameters.
Did someone claim perfect video
production is an easy job to do? ;-)