Quantcast How can I Insert this New Main Movie? - digitalFAQ.com Forums [Archives]
02-29-2004, 05:52 PM
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@ all:
if you "can't stand" bla,bla blas, go to next post!

this was posted in d9 and Dave82(great guy)
help me to do it.....everything start here:

copy of the first post:
Rush in Rio have ac3-2ch and ac3-5.1ch.
the sound is "horrible".
in the left and right surround,
we can hear only the people screaming!
the lfe channel have only a "rumble" sound...no notes.
then i demux the 5.1 audio and get only the
left(front),center and right(front) channels
with besweet and/or headac3he to do a new mp2 stereo channel.
believe me....sounds better,less screams, rumbles and more vocals!
this mp2 sounds better in stereo amplifiers.

using vobedit and ifoedit i can remux the main movie
with this 3 audio channels:
ac3-2ch,ac3-5.1ch and the "new" mp2 stereo 256kb!

the main is perfect and in powerdvd or in dvd-rw(tested in 2 players),
i can choose one of this 3 channels to listen.
perfect sincro and quality!

what i can't find:
how can i insert this "new main movie"
in the full movie without loose the menu,extras,etc?

how it works in the next post!
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02-29-2004, 05:57 PM
jorel jorel is offline
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@ all:
my source is a dvd with 2 audio streams and the
first cell of the main movie had only one audio stream!
this was build for this case,with others dvds follow the Dave's guide!

i did one folder for each step, was easy to follow!

we need ifoedit,vobedit and menuedit !

doing Celltimes:

A- Open your VTS_??_0.IFO with IFOEdit,
go to VTS_PGCITI and for each VTS_PGC_? click on File
---> Save celltimes to file as CellTimes.txt
If your titleset has got only 1 PGC, skip to step 1., otherwise go to step B.

B- Open the first CellTimes.txt with a text editor and append to it
the values of the second one increased by the last value of the first *.txt.
Append each CellTimes file, increasing its values by the
current last number of the first file.
---> Save as CellTimes.txt

1- open in vobedit the vts_??_1.vob and choose
demux--> cell id--> demux complete title set .
click OK and choose the destination folder. Click "Save".

2- left alone the cell 1 (vts_??_001.vob) in the folder!
---> cell 1 will use used later in step 9 !
take the remainders cells (from vts_??_002.vob to the last cell)to another folder.

3- Open these new VOBs with Menu Edit and using "Change ID"
reproduce the original VOB/cell ID sequence
---> remember:starting from cell 2!
(you find it in the VTS overview of your original VTS_??_0.IFO).
Pay attention: the sequence must continue through the VOBs!

4- rename all vobs from vts_??_002.vob to the last cell
from vts_??_1.vob to vts_??_x.vob . ( "x" means:last cell )

5- Open your VTS_??_1.VOB with VOBEdit, click on Demux,
check "Demux all Video streams" and "Demux all audio streams",
click OK and choose the destination folder. Click "Save".
*---> remember:left cell 1 alone, we will use it later!

6- recomendations if your new audio will be mp2 :
using BeSweet or HeadAC3he to encode mp2,
normalize to 97% or the new audio will give too loud volume
comparing with the ac3 from the source!

* hint: encode your new audio mp2 at the same bitrate
of the ac3-2channels or it can give sincro problems.(don't know why)

7- celltimes for this vobs:
take the CellTimes.txt created as explained in step A(doing Celltimes),
delete the first value and subtract this value from all the following values.
---> save as celltimesX.txt

8- Open IFOEdit and click on DVD Author ---> Author new DVD.
Input all your streams (the new audio too) and the new
---> CellTimesX.txt,
select the destination directory and click OK.
Delete the new IFOs, keep only the new VOBs.

9- take the cell 1 (vts_??_001.vob) from step 2 !
rename cell 1 as VTS_01_1.VOB,
then rename the new authored VOBs (with the new audio)
starting from VTS_01_2.VOB.
Open VTS_01_1.VOB in vobedit and click
demux--> cell id--> demux complete title set .
click OK and choose the destination folder. Click "Save".

10- Open these new VOBs with Menu Edit and using "Change ID"
reproduce the original VOB/cell ID sequence
(you find it in the VTS overview of your original VTS_??_0.IFO).
Pay attention: the sequence must continue through the VOBs!

11- Open IFOEdit and click on DVD Author ---> Author new DVD.
Input all your streams (the new audio too) and the
---> CellTimes.txt,
select the destination directory and click OK.
Delete the new IFOs, keep only the new VOBs.

12- Take the VOBs and put them in your original
VIDEO_TS folder overwriting the existing VOBs
(it's a good idea to make a backup of the
entire folder before you replace the VOBs).

13- Open VTS_??_0.IFO with IFOEdit.
Go to VTSI_MAT and increase the number of audio streams in VTSTT_VOBS by 1.
Go to VTS_PGCITI and for each VTS_PGC edit the new audio stream status:
double click on it and insert a number which is the conversion from
hexadecimal to decimal of the stream number followed by 00.
the first cell in my dvd had only the first audio stream (80),
i encrease more 2 audios streams(81 and 82) like the reminders cells!


Stream HEX value Decimal value




Edit audio stream properties in VTS overview.
SAVE and close.

12- Open VTS_??_0.IFO again, click on "VOB extras",
we are going to do a mock strip.
Select "Strip streams", "Correct Vob-Unit (Navigation Pack) pointers in VOB files"
and "correct original IFOs". Uncheck "Autocopy menu-files to destination".
Click OK, check all your streams and click Strip it.
Let IFOEdit process all your files.

13- Put all these files from IFOEdit in your VIDEO_TS folder and it should be OK!
(I tested this method with PowerDVD and DVD Shrink too).

14- end!

seems complicated?!?!
no,it's not....if i did you can do too!
tested 2 times starting from zero (step 1)!

thanks Dave
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