Whats up JamesP, I dont know if we're having the same problem or not?
I have TMPGPlus 2.56, and i encode my avi movies with kvcd plus template 352x240.
Anyways, every so often in a fast/action scene, i'll see a white line flicker across the top of my movie.
I haven't noticed this flicker when i do wide screen encodes, just when i do 4:3 525line (NTSC)
Don't get me wrong, i appreciate what Kwag has done and im in no way complaining, but i just notice stupid lil things. I've had people with me watching the movies that i encode and they dont even notice these flickers every so often, but i notice them. Like i said, it's probably because i just notice stupid lil things and im the one who takes the time to encode these movies. *shrug*