First off, let me give thanks to this site and to those that post very good replies to topics. I was trying for a week to get answers on how to resolves errors that were in my script so that I can test CCE. I visited tons of sites for answers, but it was until I visited this site that my problem was resolved.
Now I have another issue that I need help with and I'll try to explain it to were I could be understood. I would normally use TMPGENC to convert my avi files to MPEG2 with a resolution of 720x480 or 704x480 and then use Ulead DVD Movie factory2 to create and burn the dvd. The burning proccess would be: Multiplexing the video, creating the dvd files and then burning. Now when I would use CCE to create the mpeg2 files and load them into dvd movie factory, it first has to convert the files. The only time that I would have the same problem after using TMPGENC is when I would use a resolution other than 720x480, 704x480, 352x480, and 352x240. unLike TMPGENC, CCE does not have any resolution options to choose from. I thought that it may be the script that I used (I use moviestacker to create scripts) to cause CCE not to convert the files with my perfered resolution. But I loaded the same script into TMPGENC and and it created a mpeg2 that didn't need to be converted by dvd movie factory.
Sorry for the long post, but can someone help me out here