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08-09-2002, 08:19 PM
SodGawd SodGawd is offline
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Hey Kwag and gang,

I got one for ya'lls noodle. I just cap'd Star Wars: A New Hope Special Edition Widescreen with my new Dazzle DVC-2. Cap'd at my target rez: 352x480 VBR 9000Kbps (probably overkill) Looks blocky on PC (expected) but great on TV. Now I need to convert this badboy.

I am familiar with the various methods using DVD2AVI (I like this proggy) and TMPGEnc (for your really nice Templates). My problem is that I think that I need to clip the film to remove the "black" bars that were recorded with the film as part of the film. Well, darn it all, Lucasfilm places their subs in the black bar underneath the film. At first, I surmised that I would run it through VFAPI and add my own titles with Premiere. Not feasable, file size would be HUGE. Is their no way to "add subtitles" of my very own to the film permantly and then clip without the freakishly large file that I am gonna get with converting to Huffy??

Maybe a "Guide" Index Topic for the forum might help. any response is appreciated.
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08-09-2002, 09:58 PM
kwag kwag is offline
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Originally Posted by SodGawd
Hey Kwag and gang,

I got one for ya'lls noodle. I just cap'd Star Wars: A New Hope Special Edition Widescreen with my new Dazzle DVC-2. Cap'd at my target rez: 352x480 VBR 9000Kbps (probably overkill) Looks blocky on PC (expected) but great on TV. Now I need to convert this badboy.

I am familiar with the various methods using DVD2AVI (I like this proggy) and TMPGEnc (for your really nice Templates). My problem is that I think that I need to clip the film to remove the "black" bars that were recorded with the film as part of the film. Well, darn it all, Lucasfilm places their subs in the black bar underneath the film. At first, I surmised that I would run it through VFAPI and add my own titles with Premiere. Not feasable, file size would be HUGE. Is their no way to "add subtitles" of my very own to the film permantly and then clip without the freakishly large file that I am gonna get with converting to Huffy??

Maybe a "Guide" Index Topic for the forum might help. any response is appreciated.
1) You captured at 9,000Kbps, and you have blocks
Something is WAY wrong. You're sure it was 9,000 and not 900?
2) Why do you want to remove the black bars on a wide screen movie? If you do, it means you're stretching (expanding) the movie to fit 4:3, and you'll cut off the sides of the original capture and half of the subs. Is this really what you want to do?

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08-09-2002, 10:31 PM
SodGawd SodGawd is offline
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No no no no.. I think you might have misunderstood me. When I view the capture on the TV through the DVC-2 it looks great. On the PC (through PowerDVD), the file has the "dancing blocks" in the background barely noticable.

If I crop the capture in TMPGEnc 96 point top and bottom, then I have only the movie itself. No black bars. I then activate the mask and voila black bars again. That way I have more bit to use without waisting them on the "black bars" that grey a tad in the encoding process. The bad part about this is that you can't understand a lick of what Greedo is saying as the subs have now been cropped.. He says some pretty words but no meaning. Understand now?
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