Quantcast Encoding: CCE/Avisynth Help - digitalFAQ.com Forums [Archives]
03-08-2004, 05:54 PM
johnson636 johnson636 is offline
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I reaaly dig CCE for its speed, but unfortunatly it isn't as simple to use as TMPGENC. All I'm trying to do is create a script that will allow me to feed CCE the correct framerate and Video size so that DVD movie factory 2 excepts it and doesn't have to re-encode the MPEG-2 video that is created by CCE.

I mean I don't have to re-encode MPEG-2s that I create with TMPGENC. I know TMPGENC is slow, But it doesn't make any sense for CCE to convert files in half the time as TMPGENC only to be re-encoded again which takes another 2hrs.

How do I create a script Where my source is AVI with a resolution of 608x256 and end up with a resolution of 720x480 which is a compliant MPEG-2/DVD file

For those who have successfully used Avisynth and CCE to create a mpeg-2 and created a dvd, please tell me what dvd software app did you use.

I've been searching for Two weeks with no luck at all. Can someone help me please.

PS: Please speak Basic English or noob terminology
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03-08-2004, 06:37 PM
Dialhot Dialhot is offline
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Originally Posted by johnson636
For those who have successfully used Avisynth and CCE to create a mpeg-2 and created a dvd, please tell me what dvd software app did you use.
Look for teh guide done by Vmesquite in the KDVD section of the forum. You will find a reg file for CCE 2.66 and 2.67 with the guide.
I use it all the time and even if I do not use ULead, I have no problem with DVD-lab, Tmpgenc DVD author or Ifoedit with the file produced by these templates.
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