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03-25-2004, 07:54 AM
zagor zagor is offline
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Overview on what we can put on a kdvd:

1. chapters ( through dvdlab, or "chapter extractor")
2. 2 stream audio. (yes )
3. subtitles. (yes)
4. menu as the original (yes)
5. Other ........

(eventually I will add to this list what it lacks, after yours post.)

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Someday, 12:01 PM
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03-25-2004, 08:02 AM
Dialhot Dialhot is offline
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You can put whatever you want but the question is : do you want to know if that can be done easily or not ?

Because I can tell you that, encoding time excluding, doing a KDVD with 2 audio, 1 stream, the original front menu + all the original chapters selection menu take me near 2 hours. This is because there is no automatic tool to do that (I'm speaking about the menu). All must be done manually, item by item.

For sure I don't do that for all the DVD I backup.

Note: if someone find an automatic tool to extract the menus, let me know
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03-25-2004, 08:31 AM
zagor zagor is offline
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the issue is much simple one.

I until some month ago, I completely ignored all that regarded kvcd, encoder, avisynth, etc....
Currently i think to have understood many things on what it can be made or less and as can be made, even if is still space in order to learn.

This post has only the object to reassume what it can be made, from what cannot be made, independently if made manually or with some tools.

It is clearly that then every customer will decide or less if to include all the options that are possible to put in a kdvd.

It's only a post in order to do a overview.

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03-25-2004, 08:39 AM
vmesquita vmesquita is offline
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I was thinking about a way to do it in a easy way. DVD-Lab now allows importing a complete VTS with menus, so you could:
1) Reauthor the movie heeping the same amount of chapters, using free dvdauthor, for instance, or anythingelse
2) Use IFOUpdate to synch the old chapter information with the new chapter position information, keeping the VTS menus.
3) Do it for the second movie
4) Put the foriginal IFOs for the movie VTS (which were fixed by IFOUpdate) and the authored VOBs in a folder and import in DVD-Lab.
5) Do 1-4 again for the second movie.
5) create a VMG Menu that will point to the original menu.

Possible problems: VOB-Id won't match for the second movie. I don't know how dvd-lab VTS import will deal with this. If it needs to be manually changed, you would have to change it using menuedit or something else.
I was thinking about that yesterday, but couldn't test yet.

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03-25-2004, 09:04 AM
Dialhot Dialhot is offline
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Originally Posted by vmesquita
2) Use IFOUpdate to synch the old chapter information with the new chapter position information, keeping the VTS menus.
Honestly I tried only once the feature "remux m2v" with IFOedit but it goes completly out of synch. I saw after on several forum on the web that there are big issues with stream issued from CCE. IfoEdit has an option "Correct PTS (usefull if from CCE/TMPGENC/...)" but it doesn't work !
I'm not speaking abotu the same thing than you are, but I fear the realignement of VTS pointer won't work very well also.

4) Put the foriginal IFOs for the movie VTS (which were fixed by IFOUpdate) and the authored VOBs in a folder and import in DVD-Lab.
There still have the problem with entries in original menu taht are not anymore usefull (audio selection / bonus...).
You can live with them and just remember to never select them when you will watch the DVD. Or you have to disable them from the menu using again IfoEdit. And it's really annoying to do

If it needs to be manually changed, you would have to change it using menuedit or something else.
Wich menuedit feature are you speaking about ?
The one from DVDlab can edit an imported menu.

I was thinking about that yesterday, but couldn't test yet.
I have only 2 or 3 days in advance comparing to you We still have a lot to discover

For me the idea is to find a tool than handle just menu, like DVD
menu creator where can import an existing menu, edit it, and export the resulting menu into something that the authoring software can take.
I have to check if DVD menu creator has an import module.
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03-25-2004, 10:19 AM
bman bman is offline
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Edit the original DVD menu ?!!!
It's not so realistic guys !
If u have still menus maybe u can do something but what about a motion menus like "Pirates of the caribbien" which is 15-20 secong * 4 mpg files with 4 selectable options on it . To remove 2 unneeded options u have delete them on each frame of mpg file . It's possible of course but how long it will take to do it ???
What I'm saying is - U have to produce menu that looks like an original one ( close to that ) and put on it options u want to be functioning .
I did so with same movie and import orig. chapters (~16 chapters) , create scene selection with orig.backgrounds took me just 5 minutes at most (dvdLab). To add thumbnails with appropriate scene from movie + to check menu functioning another 20 minutes => so in about half hour I created my menus that look very similar to orig. one .
I find creating menus very interesting and creative process that can rise a satisfaction when u complite producing your KDVD.
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03-25-2004, 10:38 AM
Dialhot Dialhot is offline
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Originally Posted by bman
To remove 2 unneeded options u have delete them on each frame of mpg file . It's possible of course but how long it will take to do it ???
I didn't meant removing them from the image. I just mean removing the link from the ifo. The entry will still be on the screen but that will be just a inactive image that you can't select with the cursor.
BTW if you want to mask a part a of picture from a whole video is very easy (and fast) with Adobe Premiere. But it is not the goal there.

What I'm saying is - U have to produce menu that looks like an original one ( close to that ) and put on it options u want to be functioning .
That's a fact that for the moment, as I do it manually, I just "capture" the last picture of the animated menu, do a still picture with it, and create a static menu on this picture. As you do.

I did so with same movie and import orig. chapters (~16 chapters) , create scene selection with orig.backgrounds took me just 5 minutes at most (dvdLab). To add thumbnails with appropriate scene from movie + to check menu functioning another 20 minutes => so in about half hour I created my menus that look very similar to orig. one .
I never did movie wich such few chapters The longest was Green Mile (56 chapter, 6 menu pages ). The shorter had 21 chapters.

But when I said two hours, I didn't speak about just doing the DVD under DVDLab, I was talking about doing EVERYTHING that is not encoding the video stream itself (that includes generating vobs with ifoedit, put a delay on audio streams, making menus, compiling DVD, adujsting IFO to activate 2 audio streams (dvdlab does only one by default) and fix the subtitle colors, and burning
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03-25-2004, 10:45 AM
bman bman is offline
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Originally Posted by Dialhot
But when I said two hours, I didn't speak about just doing the DVD under DVDLab, I was talking about doing EVERYTHING that is not encoding the video stream itself (that includes generating vobs with ifoedit, put a delay on audio streams, making menus, compiling DVD, adujsting IFO to activate 2 audio streams (dvdlab does only one by default) and fix the subtitle colors, and burning
Yah , with all this bunch u really will need 2 hours
But ...
As u say , it could be done for your favor movies only
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03-25-2004, 03:53 PM
vmesquita vmesquita is offline
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Originally Posted by Dialhot
Honestly I tried only once the feature "remux m2v" with IFOedit but it goes completly out of synch. I saw after on several forum on the web that there are big issues with stream issued from CCE. IfoEdit has an option "Correct PTS (usefull if from CCE/TMPGENC/...)" but it doesn't work !
I'm not speaking abotu the same thing than you are, but I fear the realignement of VTS pointer won't work very well also.
It works perfectly. I used the doom9 big three method sometimes and it works correctly. The tricky part is finding the correct option to use in IFOUpdate. And I mean the tool IFOUpdate, nothing to do with IFOEdit (not sure if you noticed that)
There still have the problem with entries in original menu taht are not anymore usefull (audio selection / bonus...).
You can live with them and just remember to never select them when you will watch the DVD. Or you have to disable them from the menu using again IfoEdit. And it's really annoying to do
You can use a freeware software called menuedit to easily disable menu entries. Just point and disable, very easy. There's a commercial version that even show the menu (the free just shows the menu structure)
Wich menuedit feature are you speaking about ?
The one from DVDlab can edit an imported menu.
I was talking about the menuedit from dimad on Doom9:
It can change VOBids and disable menu itens.

For me the idea is to find a tool than handle just menu, like DVD
menu creator where can import an existing menu, edit it, and export the resulting menu into something that the authoring software can take.
I have to check if DVD menu creator has an import module.
Well, if my idea works, there'd be no need for reauthoring... Just imagine: a KDVD with original menus in no time! Of course, it still an idea, no testing yet.
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03-25-2004, 06:36 PM
Dialhot Dialhot is offline
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Originally Posted by vmesquita
And I mean the tool IFOUpdate, nothing to do with IFOEdit (not sure if you noticed that)
No, I didn't
I never opened IfoUpdate even if I DLed it with IfoEdit weeks ago
I will look at that.

I was talking about the menuedit from dimad on Doom9:
It can change VOBids and disable menu itens.
Nice ! That is something I was looking for since a while ! Thanks.

Well, if my idea works, there'd be no need for reauthoring... Just imagine: a KDVD with original menus in no time! Of course, it still an idea, no testing yet.
Start by adding DVD support to Diko Of course, if you need room for that, you can remove avi support from the soft
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03-26-2004, 04:27 AM
Roc Roc is offline
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Originally Posted by Dialhot

I was talking about the menuedit from dimad on Doom9:
It can change VOBids and disable menu itens.
Nice ! That is something I was looking for since a while ! Thanks.
.. me to..
thanks, looks real usefull
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03-26-2004, 05:35 AM
bman bman is offline
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Ok guys !
Direction is really interesting and if vmesqueta is right than soon we'll see new guide "DVD2KDVD with whole entries in now time" .
It's time to make something like this and it must be done here - on KVCD.net - and nowhere else
Cool ,Cool idea , I wish to see it become to true so-o-o-n as posible
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03-28-2004, 03:36 PM
vmesquita vmesquita is offline
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i just found out that DVD-Lab only allows importing 1 VTS, and using DVD-Lab 1.4 Beta 1. Beta 2 was released without multi-VTS support. Looks like we'll have to wait until DVD-Lab is fully capable of importing at least 2 VTS. It shouldn't take too long.
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03-30-2004, 03:21 AM
bman bman is offline
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Originally Posted by vmesquita
i just found out that DVD-Lab only allows importing 1 VTS, and using DVD-Lab 1.4 Beta 1. Beta 2 was released without multi-VTS support. Looks like we'll have to wait until DVD-Lab is fully capable of importing at least 2 VTS. It shouldn't take too long.
We have to wait !

What about DVD menu editing ???
Any progress ???
I have new project : Copy "Chicago" with original menus !!!
DVD is ~6.5Gb so can't be copyed directly to one DVD-r .
Menus are just beautiful , with clips on scene selection . So I want to preserve it as it is but ...
There are some bonus stuff ~1.5Gb that I would like to remove and 1 2ch sound track ~250mb too .
In short - I need some very serious effort to keep orig menus .
Your help on this issue will be very valuable and appreciated .
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04-05-2004, 02:29 PM
vmesquita vmesquita is offline
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Looks like the latest DVD-Lab supports importing more than 1 VTS:


Great! Now it will be possible to test my idea.

Look for the Big3 method in Doom9.org guides. It's aimed exactly to that.

EDIT:The new Beta does not allow importing VTS anymore; it creates VTS. So my previous idea won't work.
EDIT2: bman, Maybe the free dvdunauthor can help: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/m...msg_id=6985297
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04-05-2004, 04:48 PM
Dialhot Dialhot is offline
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You simply mistaken DVD-Lab (that is at the 1.3 relase) and DVD-Lab Pro (that is 1.4). They are two different product and they both have a new beta release recently.

Only DVD-Lab pro does multi-vts.
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04-05-2004, 05:17 PM
vmesquita vmesquita is offline
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No, I didn't. The first DVD-Lab pro Beta allowed importing an authored VTS with menus. Now the latest DVD-Lab Pro Beta doesn't work that way anymore, it creates the VTS in a DVD-Maestro-like way.
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