Have read many a time that its not possible to apply pulldown to mpeg1 streams,wonderd if sum1 could verify what im doing as working?
heres the steps I follow-
1)Mux mpeg1 and mp2 in Tmgenc as svcd
2)use the muxxed file as a source in dvdlab
3)dvdlab splits the file into mpv and mpa
4)dvdlab reports that 24fps needs pulldown,and applies it
So i end up with a mpv that is 25fps(great for me,i want pal) and i use besweet to re-encode the audio from 23.9 to 25fps.
Anyway,this has worked on all of my kvcd files and have managed to get 6 one and a half hour movies on each disc with no probs,which were all originally mpeg1 at 23,9fps.Hope this helps those who want to put kvcd onto dvd without doing full re-encodes.