Quantcast FFmpeg: KVCD, MencodeME, Auxiliar Task, KVCD Docking Gate - digitalFAQ.com Forums [Archives]
04-26-2004, 08:23 PM
Prodater64 Prodater64 is offline
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As to many ideas come on my mind, and I don't want to overload VMesquita' Mencode-me GUI thread, I will post it here.
Maybe later, in a short or long time, VM would like to implement some of this stuff in his GUI.

I named my idea for this thread:
KVCD Docking Gate
It is only a taskbar that I had create and put alone in one free side of my screen. If you want it can be made floating taskbar.
It show most frequently used sofware related to KVCD.

Related to MencodeMe we have four direct access:
  1. MencodeMe GUI.
  2. Edit MencodeMe temp.conf
  3. Edit MencodeMe encode.bat
  4. Run encode.bat (last action in GUI: Preview or Encode, or last edited action)
(@VM: Can you in a future implement 2, 3 and 4 in your GUI please?)
Target for 2 ----->     C:\001_MencodeMe\temp.conf (previously must to set conf files to be open with notepad)
Target for 3 ----->     C:\Windows\Notepad.exe C:\001_MencodeMe\encode.bat
Target for 4 ----->     C:\001_MencodeMe\encode.bat
All this can also be made with MS Office taskbar (not pic available) and with another app named "Power Launch 2" (as with many other I think)

Enjoi it.

Visit: Intermediate guide: MencodeMe/Win32 - Avisynth - MakeAvis by Prodater64.
Visit: KVCD - MencodeMe - Auxiliar Task - KVCD Docking Gate by Prodater64.
Visit: Mencoder scripting with AVSEdit and Guide for Multiple Files by Prodater64.
Visit: Mini-guide quick and easy - DVD to (S)KVCD with MencodeMe by Maurus.
Visit: Mencode-me: a newbie oriented GUI - 0.23 is out! by VMesquita.

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