ren wrote:
hey kwag,
I'm using MencodeME with dvd source and target kvcd (352x240) via avisynth. The avs is simple- just resizing, deinterlace and limiter. At this point I'm thinkin' it might be related to limiter() but I really don't know what 'dct coefficient' means
I Changed to mpeg-2 as output file with resolution 704X480 (kvcd3x) and
dtc errors went away. My source is still .d2v with fakeavis as .avi and
all works well. Try Kwag's temp.conf settings and the target file size
is perfect. The picture quality is outstanding!!
During fast action secnes
near the end of the movie seems to be very blocky and gibbs effects.
I'm only using 1 pass and still experimenting with 2 pass to get a logfile
to correct this in the second pass.