> Five secrets to a happy woman
>1. It is important to find a man who will share with you the responsibilities and chores of the home, and who has a good job.
>2. It is important to find a man who is happy, enjoys dancing, long romantic walks, and that makes you laugh.
>3. It is important to find a man with tenderness, that you can depend on without being subordinate to and that does not lie.
>4. It is important to find a man that is a good lover, and who loves to have sex with you
>5. It is very, very important that those 4 men never meet each other
The old theory was: “Marry an older man they are more mature and stable”
> The new theory is: “Men never mature, marry whoever the fuck you want”. (Rita Rudner).
> How can you know the difference between the real gifts from men, and the ones from guilty conscience? The second ones are prettier.
What a man fears when he thinks about marriage its not to tie himself to a woman, its getting separated from the rest of them (Ellen Rowland)
I used to live alone.. “Then I got divorced”
If a man tells you that he needs space, leave him out
>Women, who want to be like men, have no ambition
>(Timothy Leary)
> Men ask God:
>Men:- "Why did you created woman so beautiful?"
>God:- "So you will fall in love with her"
>Men:- "Then why did you made her so dumb?"
>God:- "So she could fall in love with you"
Women have lots of faults, men only two: “everything they do and everything they say”
> Single women complain because all the good men are married, married women complain about their husbands...
Moral Good men do not exist.