Starting on November 1'st, KVCD.Net will start doing some forum cleanups from DivX/XviD (MPEG-4) related topics. This site has recently been flooded with just too many DivX related topics, and too many users talking about downloaded DivX movies, and this is not acceptable, and it's also illegal. We try to moderate the forums, but some users just don't read, and we keep getting posts related to this every day. We understand that DivX quality is good, if done properly, and if the sources used for encoding are good, just like DVD backups to KVCD/KDVD. The problem is, that many users expect great quality converting their downloaded, bad quality DivX files, into KVCDs. Then we get complaints that KVCD quality is not good! Well, from now on, we will maintain our highest standards by simply discussing everything about advanced encoding methods and algorithms (as we have always done), which have produced the best KVCD/KDVD encodes, but no DivX related topics. KVCD.Net goals are (and have always been!) to produce the BEST quality in the smallest possible footprint, from your original personal DVDs, or from your high quality TV Receiver/VCR/VHS/Satellite captures.We will continue to focus, and advance our ideas in this directions, as we always have.