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06-30-2003, 09:52 PM
ak47 ak47 is offline
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I not trying to tell you how to do your job because you have done great and in my opinion you’re the best form administrator that I’ve seen. But I just want to point out since your putting your templates to open source so to speak (http://www.kvcd.net/e107/article.php?21.255) I think it would be good to put more mpeg encoders on your form main page (like cce and others) and also get rid of things that are not used anymore (outdated) like fitCD and yes sorry to say SansGrip's Filter until he comes back and some in the audio section. I am sorry if it’s not a good idea I just thought it might help you.
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06-30-2003, 10:18 PM
kwag kwag is offline
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Hi ak47,

Yes, I agree I still have to add more support to CCE, MCE, and other encoders. Or maybe it's the other way around, and they should tune their encoders to perform better with our matrix and parameters
The way I see it now, TMPGEnc just can't be beat for low bitrate applications. And I even dare to say that right now with the quality we are achieving, we're right there or even better than some DivX or XviD encodes
And that's something else DVD manufacturers should consider, because if they simply add RAW MPEG-1 VBR support with KVCD parameters to their hardware, then they don't even need to write DivX CODECS. It's simply a mod to their firmware. The possibilities are far more flexible that DivX. At least from my point of view, looking at it from a manufacturer's point of view.
As you might have also noticed, KVCD.Net is now geared on another direction. A direction towards commercial companies who will benefit from all the stuff we've done here ( and I mean ALL of us here, which I can't thank enough ), and the end result will be that we will also benefit if the industry sees the benefits. This is really a win win situation
As for FitCD, yes I agree it's time to remove it, because MovieStacker is just light years ahead. As for SansGrip's filters, his filters are well up to date, and they are very valuable. And he does show around every once in a while

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